Holdem Manager V2.0.0.6756 Leak Buster Cracked

WordDescription3betThe act of making a raise against a raise in a hand, or in other words, the final bet in the sequence of Big Blind - Raise - 3BetA-Game1. The game played at the highest available stakes at a particular venue.2. A description of the quality of a player's performance when he is playing at the top of his ability.Usage: Like in sentence 'He is playing his A-game.' Opposite to Z-Game.ABC PlayerA player who follows a predictable and readable betting pattern. Usage: Like in sentence 'He was an ABC player.'
Ace-HighA five-card hand with an ace but no pair; if nobody has at least a pair, it's the winning hand (similarly 'King-high', 'Queen-high etc.). Usage: Like in sentence 'I have an ace high; can you beat that?' 'Yes, I got a pair of deuces.'
Leak Buster would be of most benefit to micro, small, and mid-stakes NL/PL and Limit Holdem players. It was designed by successful poker players, for poker players. Even players who are doing very well at their stake level will benefit immensely from Leak Buster. Does Leak Buster only support cash games? Only cash games. Is the Leak Buster.
Add-onA purchase of more chips (optional) at the end of the re-buy period in a tournament.AggressiveAdjective to describe a player who raises and re-raises and rarely calls.Usage: Like in sentence 'John is really an aggressive player'.AliasesGroup of players names tagged under the one name. Usually used to see all your results from different sites under the one nameAll-InTo run out of chips while betting or calling. In table stakes games, a player may not go into his pocket for more money during a hand.
If he runs out, a side pot is created in which he has no interest. However, he can still win the pot for which he had the chips.
Example: 'Poor Bob. He made quads against the big full house, but he was all-in on the second bet.'
Angle-ShootingUsing unfair tactics.Usage: A poker player who uses various underhanded, unfair methods to take advantage of inexperienced opponents. The difference between an angle shooter and a cheat is only a matter of degree. What a cheat or thief does is patently against the rules; what an angle shooter does may be marginally legal, but it's neither ethical nor gentlemanly. Nor is it in the spirit of the game.
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Unfortunately, poker is not a gentleman's game. In addition to learning how to protect yourself against cheating players, you must learn to watch out for the angle shooters. See 'Angle'.AnteA small portion of a bet contributed by each player to seed the pot at the beginning of a poker hand. Most hold'em games do not have an ante; they use 'blinds' to get initial money into the pot.BackdoorCatching both the turn and river card to make a drawing hand. For instance, suppose you have As-7s.
The flop comes Ad-6c-4s. You bet and are called. The turn is the Ts, which everybody checks, and then the river is the Js. You've made a 'backdoor' nut flush. See also 'runner.'
BackraiseA re-raise from a player who originally called.Usage: Usually permitted only in home games, in which the rule that a raise must equal in size the previous bet or raise does not hold. Like in sentence 'An oft-used ploy by many players is to backraise with small pairs.'
Bad BeatTo have a hand that is a large underdog beat a heavily favored hand. It is generally used to imply that the winner of the pot had no business being in the pot at all, and it was the wildest of luck that he managed to catch the one card in the deck that would win the pot. We won't give any examples; you will hear plenty of them during your poker career.BankrollThe amount of money you have.Usage: Many serious poker players have a separate bankroll just for poker. If you bankroll someone, you are giving them money to play with, usually in exchange for a percent of their profit.
Like in sentence 'She doubled her bankroll after 1 month of playing the PartyPoker.' Bet IntoTo wrest the initiative from a player who bet strongly the previous round, by betting instead of checking also known as a donk betBet the PotTo bet an amount of chips approximately equal to the amount of chips in the pot. Usage: In Pot Limit games, this is the maximum bet; however, the pot size in Pot-Limit games is calculated in an unintuitive way: all the money in the pot, plus (if you have been raised) the amount you would bet if you reraised. Also known as Pot-Sized Bet.Big BlindThe larger of the two blinds typically used in a hold'em game.
The big blind is a full first round bet. See also 'blind' and 'small blind.' Big SlickA nickname for AK (suited or not).BlankA board card that doesn't seem to affect the standings in the hand. If the flop is As-Jd-Ts, then a turn card of 2h would be considered a blank. On the other hand, the 2s would not be.BoardAll the community cards in a hold'em game - the flop, turn, and river cards together.
Example: 'There wasn't a single heart on the board.' BotShort for 'robot'. In a poker context, a program that plays poker online with no (or minimal) human intervention.Bottom PairA pair with the lowest card on the flop. If you have As-6s, and the flop comes Kd-Th-6c, you have flopped bottom pair.BroadwayAn Ace high straight.Usage: This is a name of card combinations which was succesfully used by some player and historically called Broadway. Abbreviated signing of this term is A-K-Q-J-10.BTNRefers to your position at the table, see ButtonBubble(1) The point at which only one player must bust out before all others win some money. (2) The person who was unfortunate enough to finish in that position.BulletsA pair of AcesBurnTo discard the top card from the deck, face down. This is done between each betting round before putting out the next community card(s).
It is security against any player recognizing or glimpsing the next card to be used on the board.Bust OutTo lose all your chips and thus be eliminated from a tournament.ButtonButtonA white acrylic disk that indicates the (nominal) dealer. Also used to refer to the player on the button. Example: 'Oh, the button raised.'
Buy-InAn amount of money you pay to enter a tournament. Often expressed as two numbers, such as $100+9, meaning that it costs $109 to enter the tournament; $100 goes into the prize fund and $9 goes to the house.CallTo put into the pot an amount of money equal to the most recent bet or raise. The term 'see' (as in 'I'll see that bet') is considered colloquial.Call ColdTo call both a bet and raise(s).Calling StationA weak-passive player who calls a lot, but doesn't raise or fold much. This is the kind of player you like to have in your game.Cash InTo exchange poker chips for cash and then to quit (Cash Out). Usage: Like in sentence 'After playing for four hours John decided to cash in his chips.'
Cash OutTo leave a game and convert your chips to cash.Change GearsChanging your style of play. Usage: Like in sentence 'Chris has definitely changed gears since the tournament moved to the final table'.Check(1) To not bet, with the option to call or raise later in the betting round. Equivalent to betting zero dollars. (2) Another word for chip, as in poker chip.Check-RaiseTo check and then raise when a player behind you bets.ChopAn agreement between the two players with blinds to simply take their blinds back rather than playing out the hand if nobody calls or raises in front of them.COPosition before the button - See Cut-OffCold CallTo call more than one bet in a single action. For instance, suppose the first player to act after the big blind raises.
Now any player acting after that must call two bets 'cold.' This is different from calling a single bet and then calling a subsequent raise.Cold DeckDeck of cards that a cheat has fixed.
A deck, presumably with preset hands in it (usually with several good hands, the best ofwhich will go to the dealer or his confederate), surreptitiously substituted by a cheat for the deck he is supposed to be dealing. So called because, after cards are dealt for awhile, they warm a bit to the touch, while a cold deck actually feels cool.Community cardsCards that are turned face up in the middle of the table, and which belong to all players still in the hand. Community cards are used in Hold 'em and Omaha.ConnectorA hold'em starting hand in which the two cards are one apart in rank.
Examples: KQs, 76.CowboysPair of kings as your hole cards in Texas Hold em. A very strong hand.CrackTo beat a hand - typically a big hand. You hear this most often applied to pocket aces: 'Third time tonight I've had pocket aces cracked.' Crap ShootA term used for less skillful tournaments with lots of loose action throughout.Cut-CardAnother term for the bottom card.Cut-OffThe position (or player) who acts one before the button.Dead CardA card that is not legally playableDead Money(1) Money contributed to a pot by a player no longer in the pot.
(2) A player in a tournament who has no realistic chance of winning.DealerThe man or woman who handles the cards, gives out the pots, and monitors the game.Dealers ButtonA flat disk that indicates the player who would be in the dealing position for that hand (if there were not a house dealer). Normally just called 'the button'.DeucesA pair of TwosDisconnect ProtectionA tool to protect players in the event that their internet connection is lost while involved in a pot.Usage: Also known as 'All-in protection'.Dominated HandA hand that will almost always lose to a better hand that people usually play.
For instance, K3 is 'dominated' by KQ. With the exception of strange flops (e.g., 3-3-X, K-3-X), it will lose to KQ a lot.DonkeyStupid, weak player of stupid move.Usage: Like in sentence 'Let's go to this poker room.
It is full of donkeys'Double UpGoing all in on a hand during a no-limit game and winning, which essentially doubles your bankroll. Even with a short stack, a player who doubles up 2 or 3 times in a row can get right back into contention in most poker tournaments.DrawTo play a hand that is not yet good, but has outs to improve. Example: 'I'm not there yet - I'm drawing.' Also used as a noun. Example: 'I have to call because I have a good draw.' Draw DeadTrying to make a hand that, even if made, will not win the pot. If you're drawing to make a flush, and your opponent already has a full house, you are 'drawing dead.'
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Of course, this is a bad condition to be in.DucksA pair of TwosEarly PositionPosition on a round of betting where the player must act before most of the other players at the table. (It's considered the two positions located to the left of the Blinds. )EdgeAn advantageous position.Entry FeeAn entry fee is usually payable for all tournaments (unless they are freerolls) these may be as little as a few cents or as large as thousands of dollars. Usage: A Party Poker entry fee may look something like this:No Limit Hold Em $30+$3The total payable is therefore $33. $30 goes to the prize fund and $3 to the game organiser, in the example, Party Poker.EPSee Early PositionEquityYour 'rightful' share of a pot. If the pot contains $80, and you have a 50% chance of winning it, you have $40 equity in the pot.
This term is somewhat fanciful since you will either win $80 or $0, but it gives you an idea of how much you can 'expect' to win with average luck over a big sample.Expectation(1) The amount you expect to gain on average if you make a certain play. For instance, suppose you put $10 into a $50 pot to draw at a hand that you will make 25% of the time, and it will win every time you make it. Three out of four times, you do not make your draw, and lose $10 each time for a total of $30. The fourth time, you will make your draw, winning $50. Your total gain over those four average hands is $50-$30 = $20, an average of $5 per hand. Thus calling the $10 has a positive expectation of $5.Extra BlindA blind put in by a player just entering the game, returning to the game, or otherwise changing his position at the table. See also 'blind' and 'post.'
FacecardA king, queen, or jack.FastAs in 'play fast'. To play a hand aggressively, betting and raising as much as possible. Example: 'When you flop a set but there's a flush draw possible, you have to play it fast'.Fifth StreetAlso known as the 'river' card. In flop games, this represents the fifth community card on the table and the final round of betting. In Stud games, this is the fifth card dealt to each player and represents the third round of betting.Fill UpTo fill a Full HouseFishA poor player - one who gives his money away.
It's a well-known (though not well-followed) rule among good players to not upset the bad players, because they'll stop having fun and perhaps leave. Thus the phrase, 'Don't tap on the aquarium.'
Considering purchasing the popular HEM add-on? We walk through Leak Buster and break down the potential value for online poker players.
Tip: Get software like Leak Buster free with PTP Rake Rewards.
Leak Buster: Overview
Leak Buster is a tool for helping you analyze your online poker hand history data. It works in conjunction with Holdem Manager (PokerTracker not supported) and essentially guides you through an analysis of key statistics drawn from your play, highlights where your statistics deviate from those of winning players and proposes solutions to bring your game in line with the approach of a winning player, thus (theoretically) improving your win rate.
Leak Buster is available for Limit Holdem and No Limit Holdem (separate software). Each is available in two versions: Standard and Pro. The Standard version costs $49.99 and allows you to analyze hands from $50 NLHE / .5/1 LHE and below. The Pro version costs $79.99 and allows for analysis of all levels.
Leak Buster is exclusively for cash games, both full ring and 6max. Tournament, Omaha and Sit and Go hands won’t work with Leak Buster.
Leak Buster: Screen Shot
Leak Buster: Pros
If you’ve ever stared at the massive amount of data Holdem Manager places in front of your already-strained-from-twelve-tabling-on-a-laptop-eyes and wondered just exactly what the $*@&! you were supposed to make of it all, Leak Buster is for you.
In many ways, Leak Buster effectively serves as a how-to guide for Holdem Manager, saving you countless hours of producing custom stats from your history and searching the net for baseline stats to compare yours against.
How does Leak Buster determine those baselines? From their FAQ:
We have analyzed hundreds of millions of hands played by winning players to find the recommended ranges. Leak Buster poker software uses a separate program which analyzes the highest median win rates for each statistical field, then measures where significant drops in win-rate occur. Leak Buster uses this data to create an algorithm, which scores your statistics based on a simple bell curve ratio.
Leak Buster is an excellently documented piece of software. You’ll find several instructional videos throughout the process, all of which are professionally produced and useful. That documentation accompanies a nicely designed interface that succeeds where programs such as HEM often fail – cutting through the clutter and providing an intuitive method for moving through a linear analysis of your game.
Leak Buster also comes with a good amount of supplemental material, including videos, articles, hand charts and custom HUDs. That supplemental material forms the backbone of Leak Buster’s greatest asset as a tool: it doesn’t just tell you that you’re doing a particular thing wrong, but instead identifies areas for improvement and offers you concrete steps and resources for achieving that improvement.
Bonus: The instructional videos for Limit Leakbuster are by Bryce Paradis; Corwin Cole (Vital Myth) does training videos for the NLHE version of Leakbuster.
Finally, Leak Buster offers a limited trial, so you can get a taste of how it works before committing to purchase.
Perhaps the biggest con is that Leak Buster isn’t very useful for players without a solid sample of hands. The program doesn’t suggest any explicit minimum, but for all the leaks and filters to produce seriously reliable information, you’d probably like to have at least 50k hands. Players entering only a few hundred hands will generally not receive useful / accurate information, although, to the program’s credit, Leak Buster does a good job of alerting you when you’re working with a possibly insufficient sample size.
Also, while not a con per se’, it’s important to remember that Leak Buster only works for NLHE / PLHE / LHE cash games, and is only supported for use with Holdem Manager.
One last note: Leak Buster does require a bit of time and effort to use optimally. That’s not the fault of the program – it’s well-designed in terms of offering a compact experience – but players with a history of laziness when it comes to study or away-from-the-table work in general aren’t going to get a lot out of this tool.
Recent upgrades (Version 3.0) have gone a long way to increasing the usability of LeakBuster, but it’s still a tool that will reward you proportionately to the work you put into it.
No tool will instantly make you a better player – it’s up to you to take the data a tool provides and implement it into your game. That said, Leak Buster should offer the typical online poker player plenty of quality fodder for self-analysis and improvement. If you are a regular player, especially at micro-to-small stakes NLHE or LHE, Leak Buster is a no-brainer.
Don’t Forget: Leak Buster and related software such as HEM are available free via PTP Rake Rewards.