English Pashto Dictionary Pdf

. Author: Syed Ali. Publisher: Hippocrene Books.
ISBN: 415. Category: Foreign Language Study. Page: 231.
Content filed under the Pashto Books category. Naqal ka aqal is a Pashto sample poetry book about cheating in exams written by Gul Karam Armani Khattak.
View: 1632Now completely revised and updated, this popular guide to the Arabic language has been a valuable resource for students for many years. In Arabic and Roman script, the book includes a guide to writing in Arabic, model sentences and vocabulary, explanations of irregular forms, and illustrations from the prose and poetry of eminent Arabic writers. Forty-four lessons offer grammar instruction, from the rudimentary to the more complex. Author: Learningonlinexyz Inc.
Publisher: Learningonlinexyz Inc. ISBN: N.A.
Category: Foreign Language Study. Page: 107. View: 9988Learn Pashto with our simple to use EXTENDED phrasebook. It is a handy and comprehensive reference to cultural immersion while exploring new geographies. Impress your local business contacts or friends with confidence. Categories include Business, Shopping, Restaurant, Marketing, Trading, Careers, Meetings, Negotiations, Food, Useful Phrases, Numbers, Time, and many more. Author: Oxford Dictionaries,.
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN:.
Category: Foreign Language Study. Page: 496. View: 2513The Oxford Essential Spanish Dictionary is a new compact Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionary that offers up-to-date coverage of all the essential day-to-day vocabulary with over 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. This dictionary is easy to use and ideal for travel, work, or study. The latest words in each language have been added, reflecting all aspects of life today, from computing and technology to lifestyle and business.
Additional features include guides to Spanish and English pronunciation, as well as help with both Spanish and English verbs. Covers both European and Latin American Spanish. The Oxford Essential Spanish Dictionary is ideal for anyone in need of a handy quick reference. An essential book for the study of Spanish. Author: Ehsan M. Entezar. Publisher: Xlibris Corporation.
ISBN:. Category: Foreign Language Study. Page: 163. View: 3186Dari Grammar and Phrasebook is the result of many years of research and teaching. It has two parts. Part one (grammar) is a systematic presentation of Dari sound system (phonology, word formation (morphology) and sentence structure (syntax). Each chapter begins with an introduction.
This is followed by analysis of the new concepts providing plenty of examples and illustrations. Next comes the chapter summary. Each chapter in part one ends with exercises. Part two (phrasebook) is about how to communicate with Afghans on a variety of situations (topics). This part first discusses language functions such as asking, ordering, requesting, apologizing, persuading, and so on. The second part is about topics or situations involving shopping, health, transportation, security, government and so on. The relevant vocabulary under each topic is listed into nouns, verbs and adjectives.
The topics also include cross-cultural notes and proverbs.
•Qamosona: multilingual Pashto dictionary
•ThePashto: Pashto-English dictionary (Arabic & Latin alphabets)
•Khyber: Pashto surnames
•Pashto-English dictionary by Zeeya Pashtoon (2009)
•Etymological vocabulary of Pashto by Georg Morgenstierne (2003)
•dictionnaire pachto-anglais (1939) پښتو انګليسي قاموس
•Dictionary of the Pukkhto or Pukshto language, in which the words are traced to their sources in the Indian and Persian languages, by Henry Walter Bellew (1901)
•Dictionary of the Puk'hto, Pus'hto, or language of the Afgháns, by Henry George Raverty (1860)
•Conversational manual: common phrases in English, Hindustani, Persian and Pashtu, by George Plunkett (1875) (Latin characters)
•17 minute languages: Pashto-English common phrases (+ audio)
•Defense language institute: basic vocabulary of the Afghan Pashto (+ audio) - civilaffairs - medical
•Defense language institute: basic vocabulary of the Pakistanese Pashto (+ audio) - civilaffairs - medical
→Pashto keyboard to type a text with the Arabic characters
•Pashto alphabet
•Speaking Afghan Pashto by Randall Olsen (1996)
•Reference grammar of Pashto by Habibullah Tegey & Barbara Robson (1996)
•Beginning Pashto, textbook, by Habibullah Tegey & Barbara Robson (1993)
•Pashto reader (1992)
•Lehrbuch des Pashto[PDF] by Manfred Lorenz (1979)
•Pashto by Georg Morgenstierne, in Encyclopædia Iranica (1982)
•On the origin of the termsAfghan & Pashtun, by Johnny Cheung, in Studia philologica iranica (2017)
•Four varieties of Pashto by Michael Henderson, in Journal of the American Oriental Society (1983)
•Some 'Indic' features in Pashto by Michael Henderson, in Wisconsin Papers in Linguistics (1970)
•Origins of the Pashto languageand phases of its literary evolution, by María Isabel Maldonado García, in Journal of research (2016)
•Selected Pashto problems: the Pashto accent, by Johnny Cheung, in Persica (2010)
•Historical phonology: on vocalism and etyma (2011)
•Ancient loanwords from early new Persian and Indo-Aryanand the historical contacts of Pashto and its speakers
•The Pashto language and identity-formation in Pakistan by Tariq Rahman, in Contemporary South Asia (1995)
•Manual of Pushtu by George Roos-Keppel & Qazi Abdul Ghani Khan (1922)
•Grammar and vocabulary of Waziri Pashto (Waziristan, Pakistan) by John Lorimer (1902)
•Grammar of the Pukkhto or Pukshto language by Henry Walter Bellew (1867)
•Grammar of the Puk'hto, Pus'hto, or language of the Afgháns, by Henry George Raverty (1867)
• books & papers about the Pashto language: Google books Internet archive Academia Wikipedia
•BBC - VOA - DW: news in Pashto

•The diwan by Abdul Rahman Mohmand (or Rahman Baba) عبدالرحمانمومند Sufi, one of the greatest Pashtun poet (17th-18th)
•Tanzil : translation of the Quran in Pashto by Abdulwali Khan
•The Quran in Pashto
•AfghanBibles: translation of the Bible in Pashto (+ audio)
•The Gospel for the Afghánsbeing a short critical examination of a small portion of the New Testament in the Push'to or Afghán language, by Henry George Raverty (1864)
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