Choco Install Y

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Choco install microsoft-edge -y. Choco install office365proplus -y. Choco install adobereader -y. RAW Paste Data We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. OK, I Understand. Create new paste / deals new! / syntax languages. Choco install -y -force nodejs. It seems that choco install is installing the latest (unstable) version. To install a specific version, use following command instead: choco install -y -force nodejs@v12.13.0 Step 4: Check NodeJS Version. Open a GIT Bash or an MSDOS window (search „Git Bash“ or CMD“): node -v # output: v13.1.0.

Chocolatey is a package manager for windows, allowing you to install apps with a single command. This is how you install git using chocolatey: choco install git

See github repo


First install Chocolatey using cmd

Then download and run the choco script

Or an alternative choco script specifically design for dev environment


Please see the wiki

Give choco.exe /? a shot (or choco.exe -h). For specific commands, add the command and then the help switch e.g. choco.exe install -h.


  • .NET Framework 4.0
  • PowerShell 2.0+

More information

Check out Chocolatey's homepage or this github repo. Free download peter york sloane ranger handbook programs to download.

Install Command (choco install)Installs a package or a list of packages (sometimes specified as apackages.config). Some may prefer to use cinst as a shortcut for choco install Commandsinstall.NOTE: 100% compatible with older chocolatey client ( and below)with options and switches. Add -y for previous behavior with noprompt. In most cases you can still pass options and switches with onedash ( -). For more details, see ( choco -?).Usage choco install cinst NOTE: all is a special package keyword that will allow you to installall packages from a custom feed. Will not work with Chocolatey defaultfeed. THIS IS NOT YET REIMPLEMENTED.NOTE: Any package name ending with.config is considered a'packages.config' file.

Please seeNOTE: / Business builds on top of a great open sourceexperience with quite a few features that enhance the your use of thecommunity package repository (when using Pro), and really enhance theChocolatey experience all around. Alternative SourcesAvailable in 0.9.10+.RubyThis specifies the source is Ruby Gems and that we are installing agem. If you do not have ruby installed prior to running this command,the command will install that first.e.g. Choco install compass -source rubyWebPIThis specifies the source is Web PI (Web Platform Installer) and thatwe are installing a WebPI product, such as IISExpress. If you do nothave the Web PI command line installed, it will install that first andthen the product requested.e.g. Choco install IISExpress -source webpiCygwinThis specifies the source is Cygwin and that we are installing a cygwinpackage, such as bash. If you do not have Cygwin installed, it willinstall that first and then the product requested.e.g.

Choco install bash -source cygwinPythonThis specifies the source is Python and that we are installing a pythonpackage, such as Sphinx. If you do not have easyinstall and Pythoninstalled, it will install those first and then the product requested.e.g.

Choco install sphinx -source pythonWindows FeaturesThis specifies that the source is a Windows Feature and we shouldinstall via the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool (DISM)on the local machine.e.g. Choco install IIS-WebServerRole -source windowsfeaturesResources. How-To: A complete example of how you can use the PackageParameters argumentwhen creating a Chocolatey Package can be seen at. One may want to override the default installation directory of apiece of software.

See.Options and SwitchesNOTE: Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you arerunning a command like install that allows installing multiplepackages, and you use -version=1.0.0, it is going to look for andtry to install version 1.0.0 of every package passed. So please splitout multiple package calls when wanting to pass specific options.Includes (included below for completeness).-?, -help, -hPrints out the help menu.-d, -debugDebug - Show debug messaging.-v, -verboseVerbose - Show verbose messaging.

Very verbose messaging, avoid usingunder normal circumstances.-traceTrace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoidexcept when needing super low-level.NET Framework debugging. Availablein 0.10.4+.-nocolor, -no-colorNo Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overridesthe feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.

Available in 0.10.9+.-acceptlicense, -accept-licenseAcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved forfuture use.-y, -yes, -confirmConfirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.Implies -accept-license-f, -forceForce - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.-noop, -whatif, -what-ifNoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.-r, -limitoutput, -limit-outputLimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information-timeout, -execution-timeout=VALUECommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command tofinish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in theconfiguration of 2700 seconds.General.Features. Free. Automatic Uninstaller. Paid.

Direct Installer (C4B) - install/upgrade directly from msi / exe installers. Windows Service Management PowerShell Functions (C4B). In progress, check back for updates!Usage. Commands:. Packaging.Creating Packages. Commands:.

PowerShell Reference:.How To's.Use Cases.Learning Resources.Other.Clone this wiki locally.