Sro Auto Alchemy Tool

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Silkroad Captivity – vSro Auto Alchemy Tool January 28, 2013 Leave a comment I’ve written everything in that video for guidance, If you didn’t watch it please do.

Alchemy Tab
mBot auto alchemy will help you to upgrade your equipment.
Please keep in mind that the normal rules of the Silkroad server alchemy still apply.
The alchemy process can still fail and result in destruction of your item and / or reduced durability among other undesireable outcomes.
mBot will continue to do auto alchemy until your item's values are either on the desired level or better.
mBot will always use lucky powder when attempting to enhance the 'Plus' value of your item.
If the alchemy material for an attribute runs out before the desired value is achieved, mBot will ignore this value and continue with the next attribute.
The bot will accept a rounding error of up to 2% for white attributes (build 2160+).
You can change the maximum plus value displayed in desired stats: see here.
  1. Select an item for auto alchemy at the top of the 'Alchemy' page
  2. See your current item values on the left side
  3. Choose your desired item values on the right side.
    Add newly desired blue values by selecting the in them dropdown box and pressing the '+' button.
    Remove undesired blue values by selecting the value in the list in the right side and pressing the '-' button.
  4. Select your settings regarding lucky, astral, immortal and steady stones
  5. Make sure you have sufficient alchemy materials in your inventory
  6. Press 'Start auto alchemy'

The Alchemical ToolsT HEA LCHEMICALT OOLS-Since alchemy had been discovered it isessential to all alchemists to have their own alchemical workshops orworkrooms, in which they can experiment with the substances, which can be foundin the world of, by usingspecially designed tools and vessels. Through generations these tools andvessels were simply called 'Tools of an Alchemist' and only alchemistsunderstand how to work with them and know how to create them. As most of thesetools are made out of glass the main methods of creating them is byglassblowing, at others tinkering and blacksmithing crafts are needed, which iswhy true alchemists need not only the knowledge of the properties of thesubstances the tools are made of, but also the appropriate knowledge in thementioned crafts. The most important tools and vessels are vials, flasks,boiling glasses, funnels, measuring vessels - measunderi, meabuls, medicineglasses, and the like.In this category fall all those vessels that are made out of a glass. There arevarious vessels that are used to measure a certain amount of liquid. Othervessels are used to heat aggressive and corrosive tempered substances, thereforethey are very resistant to the high temperatures, as well as to the suddenchanges in the amount of the substances.

And finally there are those vessels,whose main advantage is elevated durability. Some of these vessels have lowereddurability against heat, therefore they can easily rupture if heated, and thatis a thing that should not be done with some of the vessels of this type. B OILING G LASS,THE(:' F IRNEL S IMARS ')The boiling glasses are usually cylindrically shaped vessels, which can be longand small in length. The length of the long boiling glasses must be twice as bigas their diameter.

These glasses can be with a snout or without it, withmeasuring lines drawn on their sides or without them. The capacity of theseglasses can be various: long glasses can have a maximum capacity of two, four,six, ten, sixteen, twenty-four, forty, eighty, one hundred and twelve, small glasses - 1/5,2/5, one and up to two hundred.

It is restricted to heat boiling glasses on an open. They can be heated only on closed heating surfaces, like on a homefurnace, and in various kinds of baths.F LASK,THE (:' F LOG ')The flasks are vessels that are conical in shape with a flat bottom and a narrowneck. They are made out of glass that has a high resistance against theaggressive natured substances and high temperatures. The capacity of theseflasks is various - starting with 2/5 of aand up to two hundred. In appearance, theydiffer by the length of a neck and by their diameter.

These flasks are used formaking the solutions or during the researching euxperi. You should remember thatthese flasks can be heated only on the closed heating surfaces.F UNNEL,V I, F ILLION,THE(:' G NUFILIM ')The glass funnels that are also called 'Vi' or 'Fillion' in the workshop of analchemist can be used for various goals - filtration, separation of solutions,for pattering solid or powdered substances into the other vessels, or forpouring liquids into the other vessels etc. Therefore, they can vary inappearance. A funnel is a conical shaped vessel that has a tube which is moltento its top, and this tube has a delicate truncated end. The size of a funnel isdetermined by its diameter. Usually alchemists use only eight different sizedfunnels, which diameters are as follows: 1.) threeand two, 2.) fiveand two, 3.) sixand four, 4.) one, 5.) one, fourand four, 6.) two, 7.) two, fourand four, and 8.) two, nineand four.M EASUNDER,M EACYL, THE(:' E RTUMEFIT ',' E RTUMARIL ')The measunder, or differently called 'meacyl', is a cylindrically shaped vessel,which has several measuring lines that are drawn on the side of the cylinderindicating a certain capacity. Each line has a value of 1/25 of a.

There are measunderi ofvarious maximal capacities - 1/5, 2/5, one, two, four, ten, twenty, forty, andeighty. To correctlymeasure a certain amount of liquid, you must pour the liquid into the measunderuntil its surface reaches the line you need. Measunderi can also be various insome technical details. Some of them can be with a spout and some without it.They can be wide or thin in diameter, short or long in length. The bottom of ameasunder also is very important.

It has to be smooth to ensure that themeasunder will stand still on the table and is not slanted to the one or anotherside, otherwise there is a possibility to measure an incorrect amount of liquidwhich will affect lasting euxperi and as a result there will be untrue, orsometimes even unwanted, outcomes.M EABUL,THE (:' E RTUBELGIC ')The meabul is a round, flat-bottomed flask with a narrow and a long neck. On itsside a measuring line is drawn that is in the middle of the neck indicating acertain capacity. If a measunder can measure various capacities at a time, thena meabul is created to measure only one certain capacity at a time. There aremeabuls of various capacities - one, two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, twenty,forty, and rarely eighty.Meabuls are used to make solutions with a precise concentration.To make a precisely concentrated solution you first have to place the meabul ona horizontal surface. Then, by using a funnel, 1/2 or 2/3 of a meabul fill withthe solvent and add powdered substance or liquid that has to be dissolved inalready poured solvent. After that, gargle the vessel to mix up the reagents.When you see that all the powdered substance has dissolved, add the rest of thesolvent until its surface almost reaches the line and gargle the vessel again.Add the last drops of the solvent intently until the surface of the solutionreaches the line.

It is highly restricted to warm up the meabuls, because thewarmth can make them wider in diameter, therefore badly affecting the measuringresults. There might be situations when warming up a meabul results in itsrupturing, so care must be taken.M EDICINEG LASS, THE(:' R UMS IMARS ')The medicine glass is a conical or cylindrically shaped vessel that has ameasuring lines on its side, which are showing a certain capacity. Each line hasa value of 1/5 of a sip. Like measunderi and meabuls, medicine glasses can alsovary in capacity, but the alchemists mostly use those medicine glasses that havethe maximum capacities of two, four, ten, twenty, and forty. C RUCIBLE,THE(:' C RUBIBEL ')The crucibles are conically shaped porcelain vessels with a flat bottom. Thecrucibles are very much like tiny bowls, except that they are much moreresistant to the heat and sudden changes of the temperature than tiny bowls,therefore you can put the crucibles into the furnace without fear that they mayrupture. If a tiny bowl is used to heat or evaporate the substance, then acrucible can be used only to melt a solid substances, like metals and the like.The crucibles can be made out of and a black iron, but usually alchemists use those crucibles that aremade out of a porcelain.


Like tiny bowls, hot crucibles also shouldn't be heldwith bare hands. When you want to heat something inside a crucible you should atfirst fasten it into the crucible claw and only then you can start heating it bytaking the handle of the claw, in which the crucible is fastened. Doing so, youavoid being burned heavily.M ORTAR,THE (:' G NOT IGLIM ')AND P ESTLE (:' T IGLIMKIG ')The mortars are a massive half-spherical shaped vessels that are made out of aporcelain, have thick sides, and are used for grinding a solid substances. Tomake the usage of a mortar comfortable enough, each of them needs a pestle thatis in appropriate length and size.

The outer surface of a mortar, excluding itsflat bottom, and the handle of a pestle is covered by a glaze, but the mortar'sinner surface and the head of a pestle is mated and porous. Such constructionensures the grinding of a solid substance into a powder. A glaze does not coverthe mortar’s flat bottom only to make it still if put on the horizontal surface.Mortars can be made out of a various materials - grey iron, black iron, copperand glass, but most commonly those mortars are used that are made out of aporcelain. They can even be made in various diameters and sizes. Working with amortar you must remember to fill it no more than a third of its capacity toensure easier work with it during the euxperi. Moratrs however shouldn't beheated, because on warm surfaces or above an openmortars may often rupture.

The mortars should only be placed inbaths, because their flat bottoms soak in a verylarge amount of and mortars become very heavy. Theonly way that you can heat the substance, which is inside of a mortar, is by thewarmth of the or by placing the mortarnear some kind warm source, like the home furnace.C RUCIBLE,THE(:' C RUBIBEL ')The crucibles are conically shaped porcelain vessels with a flat bottom. Thecrucibles are very much like tiny bowls, except that they are much moreresistant to the heat and sudden changes of the temperature than tiny bowls,therefore you can put the crucibles into the furnace without fear that they mayrupture. If a tiny bowl is used to heat or evaporate the substance, then acrucible can be used only to melt a solid substances, like metals and the like.The crucibles can be made out of and a black iron, but usually alchemists use those crucibles that aremade out of a porcelain. Like tiny bowls, hot crucibles also shouldn't be heldwith bare hands. When you want to heat something inside a crucible you should atfirst fasten it into the crucible claw and only then you can start heating it bytaking the handle of the claw, in which the crucible is fastened. Doing so, youavoid being burned heavily.T INY B OWL,THE (:' I FINC EGIL ')Tiny bowls are small porcelain vessels with a rounded bottom.

A glaze covers thebowl’s inner surface, but the cover on the outer surface of the bowl can vary.The sizes of these bowls are defined by their diameters, which can vary betweentwo, fourand one, one, one, three. Overall, there areeight sizes of these bowls and their capacity can be various - starting from oneto one hundred andeighty four. The tinybowls can be heated on the open, in the furnaces andin the baths. They generally are used for heatingthe substances and for evaporation. Hot bowls shouldn't be held with bare hands.When you want to heat something in it, at first you should fasten it into thebowl claw and only then you can start heating by taking the handle of a claw, inwhich the bowl is fastened.

Doing so you avoid being burned heavily.Further common tools of an alchemist are as follows. A LCOHOL L AMP,S PIRIT L AMP,THE (:' A LCOHOLSF IR K IG ')The alcohol lamps, or differently called - spirit-lamps, are used for producingflames for boiling and warming the substances. Of course, the same effect can beachieved by warming the vessel in or upon the furnace.The alcohol lamp is a jar that is made out of aresistant glass. The lamp is 7 in diameter and 4high. The topopened end of the jar has a narrow neck, which is approximately 1 1/2in diameter and1 high, and itis closed by a small metallic lid that has a hole in its center through which athick wick is coming out. The wick should be in contact with alcohol which isinside the jar. In order to make the wick burn, you should wait approximatelyone day to let the wick absorb the alcohol which is inside the jar before youtry to light the wick up.

Then it will produce a flame, because of absorbedalcohol, that ignites once it is in a contact with a.The alcohol lamp has a small addition that is made out of glass, but can also bemade out of metal. This addition looks like a simple glass that should be placedover the lamp in bottom-up position after the work is done, in order toextinguish flame of the lamp.

There are no other flame extinguishing methods,because this is considered to be the safest way how to extinguish the flames ofthe alcohol lamp.F ASTENING R OD,THE (:' U MEGF ER ')In alchemical workshops often are used other, much more complicated devices andfor their creation fastening rods are used (:'Ferglirec'), or also called - fastening rod's branches (:'Ferfilec') and metallic rings (:'Steeloitil'). WWith the help of these tools, it is possible to fasten thevials, flasks and funnels to the fastening rod. If you wish to make some kinddevice, which would consist of various vessels, you should use glacial tubes (:'Simarli mef', 'Simarli' - glacial, 'mef' - tube), plural form: 'Simarli mefi')with the corks (: 'Kret' -cork, plural: 'Kreti'), to close the vessels and make the connections betweenthem.It is important to remember that before placing corks inside the tubes, youshould moisten them from the outside, to make them better get into the openedends of the tubes. The tubes you should hold near the cork, otherwise there is apossibility to break them, and have your hands cut by broken glass. Thefastening rods are made only out of a metal - black or grey iron and look like asimple rods, which are onehigh and onethick, and one of their ends is molten to a board, which is twoin length, twowide, and severalthick. Theboard also is made out of a metal.

The fastening rod's claws and metallic ringsalso are made out of the same metal as the fastening rod. The fastening rod'sclaw is a tool that looks like a claw, in which you can fasten a vial, flask, orany other tool, and then, with a help of a small screw, which is on the claw,you can fasten it to the fastening rod. The metallic ring looks like a rod onwhose end is a ring. Usually these rings are wide enough to make the roundbottomed flasks stand still in these rings and not fall through them. Themetallic rings also have a screw, which helps to fasten them to the fasteningrod.C LAWS,THE(:FOR TINY B OWLS- ' I FINGLIREK ',FOR C RUCIBLES- ' C RUGLIREK ')These claws look like a simple fastening rod's claws. They have the same purposeand are made out of the same material as a simple fastening rod's claw, but thedifference is in size and they have no screw.

For tiny bowls usually one shoulduse the claws that are no more than twoin size, one, fourin length. Forcrucibles two different sized claws are used - one of them is onein length, but the otherone, one, six, threein length. The longercrucible claw is used, if you need to put them out or into the furnace, but theshorter crucible claw is used if you need to heat the crucible on the open.G LASS R OD,THE (:' S IMARSFILEC ')AND THE M ETALLIC S POONThe small glass rods and metallic spoons are used for a variety of tasks. Thesmall glass rods, which can be onein length are usedfor mixing liquids, but the small metallic spoons, which also can reach only onein length are usedfor heating the substances over the open flame or for taking some solid orpowdered substances, because substances are restricted to take with bare hands.In reference to this, among the alchemists there is a saying: 'You will neverknow how substance will show itself, when touched with bare hands.'

V IAL C LAW,V IAL B RANCH (:' M UNGLIREC ',' M UN FILEC ')The vial claw looks exactly like a claw for a tiny bowl and has the samepurpose. The alchemists named them differently only to ensure the order in theworkshop - each tool should be in the correct place and should be used by analchemist as he or she wishes.V IAL S TAND,THE (:' M UNFER ')The vial stand usually is made out of a wood. It looks like a small, empty,wooden box, whose one side has many holes that are wide enough to put the vialsthrough them and make them to hold still in the stand. The vial stands are usedin situations when you need to put a vial somewhere aside, if it contains somekind substance that will be useful in euxperi later and should not be sloped allover the place.21st Molten Ice1670 a.S.Information provided byLionhorse.

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