Aye Dark Overlord Cards For Humanity

Sep 21, 2008 For me, the best thing about Aye, Dark Overlord! Is that it is limited only by the imagination of the players, not to mention it can be as filthy or as squeaky clean as you like. While the title may give some parents pause, it is generally age-appropriate for your kids, as the cards are relatively benign. Hint cards give the players a framework for their story, but it's up to their wits to avoid the Withering Looks of the Dark Overlord and live to serve another day. The Red Box is a re-release of the 2005 version of Aye, Dark Overlord! From Fantasy Flight Games.
Hey all,A little while back Indalecio made a post asking for everyone's top 10 favorite monsters and why they liked them. Repair tcpip.sys vista. I'd like to continue that trend by asking for everyone's top 10 favorite Overlord cards! Specifically, these are the top 10 Overlord cards you'd buy with XP, therefore I am not including the cards in the basic decks, nor am I including Overlord cards that are earned as part of rumor or campaign rewards.You could also mention whether you prefer Basic I or Basic II.
I'll start!-Basic Deck: Basic II've gone over the why in other threads, but it comes down to liking the reliability of this set. Basic II requires attribute tests that target specific hero archetypes, which means your Overlord cards can fail to work. Additionally, its' overall effectiveness is at the mercy of which heroes the players use.
A warrior with 4 Observation? Well, Blinding Speed is now kinda crap.Some Overlords don't have a problem with this, but I need cards I can count on. I get endlessly frustrated when I play a Basic II card and end up getting nothing for it, especially when it costs me a quest.However, I will say this: having been on the receiving end, Basic II is way more fun for the heroes. They feel they have a chance to survive and overcome the OL's cards through their heroes' statistics and good fortune, while a properly played Basic I can feel like an inevitable freight train of defeat for the heroes, especially in race quests. So yeah, Basic II for fun, Basic I for winning!-1) Call of the Ravens (Unkindness I)Oh raven flock, how I love thee. Let me count the ways.
I've made these points in several other posts, but I'll reiterate them here.This is the first card I buy every single campaign. Amusingly, it is also the only Unkindness card I ever get. I think the rest are pretty lousy, to be honest.However, each time I play I discover a new way to use the basic familiar. The utility of this card is undeniable. Unlike every other card purchase you don't have to decide what to throw out of your deck to accommodate this card. You don't have to worry about it taking up a space in your hand.
It is essentially adding a permanent new ability to the Overlord, kind of like when a hero purchases a new ability himself.Imperial Assault added these sorts of cards to the Imperial player, and I would love to see more of these in Descent. It is very satisfying to have an ability you can always count on that isn't subject to card draw, or can be discarded by some heroic feat (Mok) or countered by some skill (Marshall).Not only is the Raven a solid monster in its own right, with stats perfectly on par with mid-tier minions, the extra manpower can appear next to any monster on the map to carry tokens, open doors, complete objectives, block hallways, and finish off weakened foes. No marching from a reinforcement point required! It also hits hard enough and moves fast enough to be tricky to ignore, and there are many ways to lessen or even negate the costs of using it. If you achieve this, then even if the heroes spend just one attack to kill the raven, it has been a win for you. The heroes are down one precious action and you are down nothing. And if they miss.
Well.Even the summoning of the monster has utility. The obvious one is killing a monster with 1 health left and getting one with 4, but there are lots more. If reinforcements are allowed at start of turn and nothing has died yet, kill something with the Raven, and then get a free troop. You can use it to trigger abilities like Undying to clear negative conditions from a monster, or detonate a Master Fire Imp while it is near other heroes.
You can use a Master Flesh Moulder to heal any injuries and get a continuous stream of replacement flocks until the moulder is defeated. Whenever I read a piece of text anywhere that says, 'When a monster is defeated.' , or 'When a monster takes damage.' , I immediately stop and think, 'Would triggering this at my discretion with a Raven benefit me?' I could go on and on, but I think I've made the case. Best card ever.-2) Airborne (Infector I)Even if I don't play heavy Infector, I still pick up Airborne. Like many Infector cards, once played, it thins out your Overlord deck, which means those Frenzies and Dashes come up more often.
That alone is good.However, more importantly, missing sucks. Really sucks.
Airborne makes missing suck less so that the blue X doesn't haunt my dreams. Even without other Infector support, there are many times where just one extra shield meant the difference between a dead monster and a living one, and if that happens even once in the quest, I feel this card has paid for itself.Another trick is to perform ranged attacks from across the map that your monsters have no hope of getting enough range for in order to rack up free infection tokens and pressure the heroes into advancing. It is also a way to safely set up the 3 infection tokens needed for a Dark Host on a specific hero, no matter how good their stats or armor is! Cheesy, but fun!-3) Imploding Rift (Shadowmancer I)The best trap in the game for cost vs.
Even a non-Shadowmancer should get this card. Catching just one hero in this trap is pretty brutal for the heroes and can ruin a critical play such as a room-wiping Army of Death. You will always find a use for this trap, even if it simply forces a hero to rest for a turn. Also, unlike Web Trap, it can't be completely countered by classes like the Knight, for whom Immobilize is naught but a trifling inconvenience. You'll always find this one in my deck.-4) Blood Rage (Warlord I)I have an aggressive play style that aims to bring down the heroes fast and often.
I know its not always the best strategy and I may not purchase this card vs. Certain hero compositions, but I still get it more often than not. A defeated hero can result in serious action loss, not to mention threat/card gains, and Blood Rage is great at helping you do this. This card is also great at making heroes panic whenever a monster with low health remains on the board nearby. They may go out of their way to kill it off to prevent the rage, distracting them from the objective.Another favorite tactic is to soften up a monster with my Raven Flock and then finish it off with Blood Rage, negating any repercussions the health loss may have incurred.-5) Dark Remedy (Universal)I like to call this 'Immobilize-Begone', because that is pretty much the primary reason I purchase this card. Immobilize is often the single best Condition that a hero can dish out, so you can bet every Runemaster in the land will be looking for an opportunity to throw it on your lieutenant and ruin your day.
If the heroes are especially Condition happy, I get two of these.-6) Refresh (Universal)Refresh does a lot more than it appears at first glance. Yes, it lets you bring your best Overlord cards back into the deck faster if they are in your discard. That's great. But, it also lets you draw a card too, so it is effectively free! Placing this card in your deck essentially makes it 14 cards in size, and that is a great thing for consolidating power. I would buy 5 of these if I could.-7) Web Trap (Saboteur I)I would be remiss if I did not include Web Trap in a top 10. Yes, it has lost some of its shine since the introduction of Imploding Rift, but this is still undeniably a great card.
Its fairly obvious why this is good, so I'll just say watch out for heroes that aren't affected by Immobilize thanks to their hero abilities or class skills. Few things are more frustrating than 'Immobilizing' that pesky Berserker only to find he can still somehow charge across the map and whirlwind your goblins to pieces anyway-8) Bloodlust (Warlord II)As I said earlier, I like knocking out heroes. With Bloodlust in my deck, I like it even more. This is another card that thins out and speeds up the Overlord deck, meaning those Frenzies and Dashes come back faster. If I ever go double Bloodrage, Bloodlust is sure to follow.-9) Plan Ahead (Universal)When I plot out my strategy for a quest, I want to make the assumption I have certain Overlord cards in my hand at a given point, usually Dash. However, cards being the fickle creatures they are, this sometimes does not happen. Plan Ahead helps me cheat fate and make it seem like I always have what I need, when I need it.
And hey, if it helps me get my Airborne card out earlier in the quest too, so much the better!-10) Dragonbone Pendant (Enchanter I)Its no secret I like to play with hordes of small monsters, and this card complements that style quite nicely. Throw this on a Bandit group along with a Dual Training Frenzy and a Word of Misery and the odds of the heroes coming out the other end without multiple bodies on the floor, robbed of their healing and stamina potions, are pretty slim. And if you do somehow fail to down someone, it will stick around for another turn for more shenanigans!Wow, I just realized that this list is almost exclusively 1 xp cards. I guess I find the cost of specialization to be too high compared to picking and choosing the best from the low hanging fruit. However, if I do specialize, it usually ends up being Warlord or Infector.Now I look forward to hearing from you guys! What do your Overlord decks look like? Edited March 4, 2015 by Charmy.
First of all, thank you. I love the analysis and your thought processes.
Even if I disagree with some of it, it provides me someone else's approach to the game, and why they make the choices they make. This in turn provokes thinking on my part, and potentially overcomes some inadvertent inertia I let build up as it pertains to negative thoughts about certain cards and/or combos.Despite playing this game for just about forever, I try to be open minded, and this old dog is willing to learn new tricks!You are at least the third OL I have spoken to, and/or read written words from, that espouses the idea of purchasing cards from multiple classes. Essentially, choosing to go wide and shallow in multiple class cards versus thin and deep in a single class. I must admit that in many of my games, I have chosen to go thin and deep, staying within a particular class to be able to acquire the more powerful, and yet far more expensive, cards.Now I am beginning to wonder if this is the correct approach. I am not saying it is wrong in general, but in specific cases, especially based on hero party content, it may be far more advantageous to take your approach.I appreciate the analysis. It has been thought provoking.
I think I am going to introduce two new approaches to my hero party shortly. Wide and shallow, and plot cards. G-d, those.&^% won't know what hit them. Edited March 4, 2015 by any2cards. Nice list, and lots of my favorite card made it into your top ten. Great idea Charmy (and thanks for the tribute, lol). I´ll give my 2 cents.
I also tend to purchase 1XP cards and not try to stick to a class. 2XP/3XP cards are normally hard to justify as XP is a very scarce resource. There are obviously a few exceptions:10- Airborne (Infector). The ability to turn these failures into something useful is really nice. Heroes can't remove Infection tokens, they carry over to encounter 2, and I like that.
It also puts some pressure on the heroes, who must play carefully if they carry infection tokens.9- Imitation (Unkindness). That's psychological warfare here, but the raw power of this card is another thing too.
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I just love this card, and heroes always try to kill the ravens anyway so there's always a use for it.8- Expert Blow (Warlord). I like cards that bounce back to your hand once used. +2 damage is a big deal when you want to stick a condition on a hero, like when using Medusae for instance.7- Wristlet of Wind (Enchanter). An additional move point to a monster group is really nice. I cannot fathom a situation where you wouldn't find a use for this card. Ok, maybe Golems and Ironbounds are not really a good target for this card, lol, but giving this to a 4-5 monster group with ranged attacks can be devastating.
Everything in this game comes down to calculating the range a figure has to the various actions it can take. If the hero stands one space shy of your monster attack range, then cards like these breaks this balance and allow for powerful plays.6- Call of the Ravens (Unkindness).
Even with no boost, the bird is one of the best monsters you can have at least during Act I. It gives you additional actions, it's fast although (although it doesnt fly!!!!!) and deals nice damage.
Use it to shift the heroes focus to it. It's also the fact you always have access to that card, which is priceless.5- Blood Rage (Warlord).
There you go, the big nasty attack. 2 additional attacks is just what I often need to make sure somebody dies, or get the condition I want to stick on that hero.4- No rest for the Wicked (Punisher): Having a counter to fatigue move is really nice especially if you have kiters like small ranged monsters.
Its effect applies the entire turn!3- Imploding Rift (Shadowmancer). Again, not puchasing this card if heroes are high on Willpower. Still I value this card as one of my best ones. Traps are game breakers in that game.
You need them to disrupt the heroes' indomitable march against you.2- Treacherous Shadows (Shadowmancer). This class is my favorite, and this is the 3XP card that comes with it. Obviously this won't work if your herioes are high on Willpower, but complemented by Befuddles and the likes, you can still achieve quite a lot with this card. Basically this is a powered up Dark Charm, so much that it can wipe out an entire party, so all your monsters have to do is sit and watch the mayhem before stepping in an finish off the heroes. A bit exagerated maybe, but yeah the plan is to kill one or two heroes in the process, or deal a nasty condition so that you screw up the heroes' next turn to give you an edge in the quest.1- Web Trap (Saboteur). The most boring card of all times, there you have it. It's just the best card in the game if you ask me.
Everything resolves around heroes movement. Ability to reach search tokens, connect for a melee attack, revive a dead hero, split to avoid AoE attacks, even winning quests by standing on a specific spot or escape the map etc. Also the fact you can have two in your deck is really nice.
I like to purchase one as soon as I get my first XP. I wish I didn't for the sake of variation, but it's just too good to pass on. The more my heroes get skilled at playing Descent, the more I turn myself up to these cards. Their value is immense.Then you have some nice 3XP cards but they require you to dig too deep into a class, so I can't really rate them. From a pure strategical perspective I think it's way more effective to try to diversify and purchase low-cost high-return effects.
To give an example, Uthuk Demon Trap (Saboteur), or Envelop for that matters (Unkindness), are really powerful cards, but then if you compare their effect (doesn't always work or can be pulled out at the time you need, and only targets one hero) against a combination of 1XP cards in my top10 list above, the choice is indeed easier to pick the 1XP cards instead. Saving up XP is problematic as the OL, because it means the heroes just take off and gear up faster than you, which in turn increase the risk for you to lose quests. I personally prefer to invest in cards I can use straight away. One last thing is that purchasing 1XP cards means you can remove more cards from your basic deck. Dead cards in your hand is a real sucker so I don't want these cards to stick around too long. Edited March 6, 2015 by Indalecio.
Play this card on 1 servant when a hero declares an attack that targets that servant. Immediately perform an attack that targets that hero, using the same attack type, special abilities, and dice of the weapon the hero declared for his attack.After this attack is resolved, if the hero was not defeated, he continues with his attack.And just for the record, since this is also missing from the wiki at the moment (I'll fix it at some point if nobody else does, I guess), this is Beware, Unkindness I.
There I so much missing/incorrect stuff on the wiki that I don't bother checking it too much anymore.Either install, or checkWhile there's always stuff missing, unfortunately, if you see something incorrect at the wiki, please fix it or tell someone, lest it lingers. In the case of the Unkindness deck, someone obviously started working on it but never finished, which is frustrating, because then when someone else goes to check there, they just assume it's complete.The Chrome plugin is, well, for Chrome, and both the plugin and the tracker has the issue of not giving good overviews. Well, I respectfully disagree in that it's not giving a good overviewAll the skills are there, for all classes (not just one), with an easy dropdown to view what each skill does.
Instead of a list per class with ugly formatting/styling which is hard to read.And the monster pages are 10 times worse!The incorrect info I came across had to do with the information about monsters.If you want somewhere to start: - Bandits are ranged monstersEdit: Also 'Temple' is not an existing monster trait Edited August 4, 2016 by Atom4geVampire. Well, I respectfully disagree in that it's not giving a good overviewAll the skills are there, for all classes (not just one), with an easy dropdown to view what each skill does. Instead of a list per class with ugly formatting/styling which is hard to read.And the monster pages are 10 times worse!The issue is precisely that it's 'an easy dropdown' and 'instead of a list'.
Dropdowns are bad for overview (terrible, even) and lists are good, whether ugly in formatting or style or not. I prefer substance over flash, even if I agree that the style (or complete lack thereof) on the wiki is horrendous. But I don't see why it'd be hard to read. Not using a standing tablet, I find it a lot easier to read than the small vertical boxes on the tracker, which only show up when you mouse over them, to boot. Even if it does look fancier. The incorrect info I came across had to do with the information about monsters.If you want somewhere to start: - Bandits are ranged monstersEdit: Also 'Temple' is not an existing monster traitI didn't even know that page existed. I have no clue what's going on there.
A wiki only really works if people contribute, and fix issues when they notice them.By far the biggest issue on the wiki as I've seen so far is that it's hard to actually contribute substantially, because of the absurdly sh.tty automated tables, where you have to either sit an hour and research how to do something, or (I suspect) go through some kind of secret inauguration cermony. For example, you found an error on the table on the Unkindness page? You need to actually change the page of each individual thing the table links to, because it's automated. You just added two new cards that needs to go into the table? They don't do it automatically?
Well screw you. Apparently.And if people feel they can't contribute substantially, they don't get hooked on continuing to contribute.I've worked with these.
tables before, adding the Battlemage page and Battlemage skills, but for whatever reason, despite copying the information contained in other Unkindness cards, Beware and Imitation hasn't added themselves automatically to the Unkindness Table. Automating.
in esoteric ways is a surefire way to make people unwilling or unable to contribute.The Monster Table is great, though, and can be changed on it's own. Bandit is indeed Melee, Temple = Civilized and Ruins = Building. Edited August 4, 2016 by Luckmann. Well, making the icons the same font color as the text they are used in would be a huge improvement to begin with. That, combined with them being larger that the text really constantly pull you eyes away from the gray smaller text you're trying to read.And it's not that I don't want to help fix the wiki, it's that usually I only use the wiki when I don't have the actually cards in front of me when I'm working on something for my site for example.So I might see something that I know is wrong, but am not necessarily 100% sure of what it should be instead, cause I don't have the cards with me. I always choose Basic II, no matter what. I cant live without Befuddles and mimic, for the rest of the cards basic II and regular basic have their counter balances.Different from most of our OL's, I followed the enchanter patch, since I LOVE passive effects.
I found some interesting synergies with Alric plot deck regardless the duration of mobs, but I have to admit, it does not make much difference when the heroes gear up, making traps like imploding rift and web traps much more valuable. However, giving this knowledge, I'll share my thoughts:Cards worth of note:.- Reinforce (Warlord) - I'd put this card on the rank, but the exp cost can be painful. Also, this card lost most of its shine after the last changes in game, however, I still see some use for it. Having an extra source of deployment is always a nice thing to have. Also has a notable sinergy with Call of the ravens.- Airborne (Infector) - I always underestimated the effect on this card, but now I see the trick here. The card function as a filter. Like Charmy said in other words: once the OL deck gets renewed you will get important cards (i.e.: dirty fighting/Dark might, flurry/frenzy etc) more often, since 'Airborne' wont be on your discard pile at all, making your next picks be more deadly.- Wristlet of wind (enchanter) - Follow the same logic as 'Airborne', since playing it properly, you'll never have to discard the card.
However, differently from 'Airborne', during encounter 1, if u did enchant a group of monsters you'll be forced to discard it on the transition to encounter 2, adding the card to the discard pile. Weaker than 'no rest for the wicked', but still nice for mobility and deck optimization.10 - Elixir of Stone (Enchanter) - One of the main reasons I opted for the enchanter class. With this effect on your minions you'll see your units last a bit longer, however, I'd recommend not to waste this card on a non reinforc'able group of monsters, the real effect of this card show itself on the extended game. A group of kobolds really could have some use for this!9 - Rune of the Phoenix (Enchanter) - Just an amazing effect, makes the heroes really wonder if it worth killing the mob, or even giving the liutenant you have more time to acomplish his task. 2 exp makes this card a temptation.8 - No rest for the wicked (Punisher) - Can be a great deal to avoid the devastating 1st round of heroes and a clear mobility bonus for next round strategy.
Plus, it last the whole round of the heroes.7 - Call of the ravens (Unkindness) - Didnt use it a lot, but there is no argument that would negate the effect of this card. The passive effect on table is just amazing, not much else to say.6 - Dark Remedy (Universal) - A condition purge - you'll need these, sometimes x 2 against immobilize heroes (i.e.: geomancer etc ). The other conditions you can live with, but immobilize.5 - Dark fortitude (Warlord) - At 1st glance an innocent effect but you must agree with me that instantaneous combat effects in this game are pretty rare. Dark fortitude can be a mess, mainly if you are preparing for a blood rage in sequence.
Most of the heroes techniques are based on the eradication of your non reinforc'able groups of monsters, Dark Fortitude, although adding just two shields to the roll, can make a difference, making a valuable unit alive for just one exp.4 - Blood Rage (Warlord) - The card talks for itself, not talking the obvious sinergy with call of the ravens3 - Diverse means (Universal) - Like I said, instantaneous effects are somewhat rare in this game, and the most interesting card for this purpose is Diverse means. This card made Gryvorn alive on the finale. With it, along with 'masques' effect from Merick plot deck, I managed to survive the flurry from the heroes and then finish them off. I'd say this card gave me the win in the campaign.
Definatelly worth the 2 exp.2 - Web trap (Saboteur) - explanation enough on Indalecio post1 - imploding Rift (Shadowmancer) - For me the ability to add fatigue on heroes is something you have to be in mind, its a main concern and nothing makes more effect on this role than imploding rift, and for just one exp. A must have in any build. Im putting Imploding Rift ahead of Web trab because I believe fatigue drain can compromise BOTH mobility and the heroes skills at once. Note: Imploding Rift + Plague worms can be devastating.Edited February 15, 2017 by Dommus. My thoughts:1 - Rune of the Phoenix: Since many quests plays on a lieutenant and/or a named monster that must no be killed to avoid losing, having this card is the best way to keep him alive since heroes are oftenly too strong to be stopped, especially on act 2. So, you can save this particular monster and surprise heroes.2 - Dark resilience: for the same reasons as above, giving back life to a monster is the better way to may lose time to heroes, and better on giants or golems, and really strong when played with Rune of the Phoenix. Oftently first pick to me, and since I play agents a lot, I need this one.3 - Placebo: Even if heroes do not lose the gold from the seach, losing its effect is still strong, and breaking up a life or stamina potion is a good way to ruin the full plan of heroes.
Play with Bandits and Raythen's plot deck, heroes will have a bad time search, and lose as the campaign is good on.4 - Tainted blow: Giving a surge and +1 damage is really strong, so a monster can use its full power during an attack, but being able to take it back is with no doubt the best card ever, so heroes will take it again and again, and virtually once on each attack. And for an overlord, a good hero is a dead hero5 - Expert blow: Same as before, even if a bit less powerfull, but also easiest to take back to hand, since it does not need infection tokens.6 - Rise again: Can be played with expert of tainted blow, dash, and frenzy, or better with Blood rage, since the monster is already dead, killing him is nothing to be affraid of. The only problem on this card is that all other cards from the class are totally useless and unplayable.7 - Blood rage: a monster on the verge of death can still do 2 more attacks, and can do damage when dying with some other cards or ability.8 - Uthuk demon trap: Maybe the only card with a test that I play and buy, because it has an effect whatever the result of the test. And deals damage or kill the hero immediatly is great and really cool with the basic 2.No web trap on the list, because web trap does nothing when the test is lost. So, I'm never going to play it. If a least heroes would lost 1 movement point on a fail, I would.
But the way it is red, i'm no going to play it again ever! To be honest I don't know how I could possibly set aside Soulbinder for any of my future campaigns. It works well in any setting, it synergies with other classes, it's very hard for heroes to counteract it, etc. I would throw my Magus and Infector cards into the fire in an eye blink if I had to, in comparison.I guess what I like the most about it is that it introduces an element of unknown from the heroes perspective, as some kind of parasite entity following your every step.
Unkindness introduced it in the first place, and it was nice, but I am happy this concept was expanded further.Obviously it will not substitute your usual Swiss knife set of cards, but it is worth investing in in any campaign in my mind.I just hope the new generation of well thought class/plot cards is a real thing, and that more of it will come in the near future. And yes, the souldbinder cards (just like the unkindness cards) target 'a servant'. So yeah, you can use them on the raven and vice versaThat can be really fun, and having two servants really makes it worthwhile to add 2XP and 3 XP cards from their respective decks.However, I do not have chains that rust just yetAs of now, I find the combination of Saboteur and Shadowmancer to give the best results.
Web trap and Imploding Rift are of course a must have.However, I find Curse of the Monkey God (with Mimic) and Our of Darkness to have a great psychological effect.If the heroes think I have a particular card, they think twice before searching or reviving a champion.I have to try to use no rest for the wicked and Dark Resilience/ Dark Remedy, as personally I did not consider using them before.Especially Dark Resilience seems useful in missions that require a specific monster to be defeated. I´m currently writing a guide to OL cards, which I hope to be ready within the next two weeks.One combo that never gets mentioned is the Dark Host + Blood Rage combination. As the hero is treated as a monster in his own group for the whole duration of your turn, you can safely get two addioional attacks and a self-kill using this card. You can add all possible monster-effects to that combo, like extra attacks/surges from other cards.I don't mean to say that Dark Host is a good card. In fact, it is one of the worst 3xp cards around. But this combo is quite cool on paper. I have never used it, though, as using Infector at the first place would require me to face a different type of opposition.Edited March 11, 2017 by IndalecioSaid combo was confirmed as not valid by FFG.