Vt100 Emulator For Mac

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- ZOC Terminal (SSH/ Telnet/Serial Client) v.6.35ZOC is a well known SSH/SSH2/telnet client and terminalemulator. It's functions (like tabbed sessions, typed command history, scrollback, multiple window support, etc.) and solidly implemented emulations make it the preferred tool for people who ..
- Terminal API v.0.1This is soft-terminalemulator library. Applications could use that API to work with any full-duplex byte stream as with video terminal having specific display and keyboard. Supported terminals VT220, VT100, ..
- ZOC Terminal for Mac OS v.6.25Telnet/SSH/SSH2/serial console client and terminalemulator. Its functions (like tabbed sessions, typed command history, scrollback, multiple window support, etc.) and solidly implemented emulations make it the preferred tool for people who have to ..
- RB Terminal Emulation v.alpha.2A gathering spot for terminal emulators written in RealBasic and specifically mud clients. As a starting point, we provide RB Terminal Emulation Suite, an extensible frame work for developing terminalemulator ..
- ITerm.app v.0.10iTerm is an enhanced terminalemulator program for MacOS X written in Objective-C. It features VT100/ANSI/XTERM emulation, full i18n support, full-screen, multi-tab and other convenient GUI ..
- MacTerm v.1.0MacTerm is a complete terminalemulator for Mac OS X, for use with local or remote applications. Also available for Classic Mac OS as a remote-only shell named ..
- Mrxvt v.0.5.4Mrxvt is a multi-tabbed X terminalemulator based on rxvt. It is portable, lightweight and fast. It supports psuedo-transparency, background image (JPEG/PNG/XPM), tinting, NeXT/Rxvt/Xterm/SGI style scrollbar, multi-languages (CJK), XIM, freetype ..
- Twin - a Textmode WINdow environment v.0.6.2Twin is a text-mode window environment. It supports mouse and multiple windows, has a built-in terminalemulator and window manager, and can serve as display for client applications. Its retro look-and-feel comes with very modern features: it is best ..
- SecureCRT for Mac OS X v.6.6.2SecureCRT gives you rock-solid terminal emulation, file transfer, and data tunneling combined with the strong encryption, authentication, and data integrity of the Secure Shell protocol. Whether you are looking for a Telnet replacement with solid ..
Vt100 terminal emulator free download. Qodem Terminal Emulator Qodem is a a terminal emulator that resembles the BBS-era Qmodem. Includes phonebook, scrollback, ca. Mac OS X and Windows. TinTin is a console mud client for any type of text mud or bbs. The mud client's main assets are an easy to learn scripting language, triggers that can. VT420 (including VT100, VT220, VT320) Telnet Terminal Emulator for Windows. Love and divorce. An all-in-one VT100, VT220, VT320, VT420 Telnet Terminal Emulator. Distinct IntelliTerm for VT220 through VT420 is a Windows terminal emulator that allows you to access data on diverse corporate information servers such as UNIX and VAX systems, IBM mainframes and AS400 from a single application.
- X-Win32 v.2012StarNet's X-Win32 and FastX product lines are X Windows Emulators (also known as PC X Servers or X11 emulators). Engineers typically work on Windows or Macintosh PCs.
- Files for OS X v.0.5.1Files is a modern file manager designed specifically for Mac computers. It is built with efficiency in mind, providing the blazing performance and momentary user interface feedback. Files exploits the classic dual-pane ideology and traditional hotkeys.
- Commander One v.2.0Commander One is free dual-panel file manager for OS X based on Swift, which allows you to manage your files in the best possible way. Use it as Finder alternative, FTP client, archiver and much more ..
- PHP Shell Terminal v.0.3.0PHPterm is a terminal/shell emulator for PHP which let's you execute shell commands just like in a shell, but all within your browser window over the HTTP protocol.It aims to provide the look and feel of konsole, the KDE ..
- Terminal v.1.0Terminal 1.0 is developed to offer users with an easy to use and ..
- Opera Mobile Emulator for Mac and Linux v.11Making sure that your site looks great and works exactly as it should in mobile browsers can often be a tedious process. Previously, if you wanted to test and debug your mobile-friendly sites in Opera Mobile, you either needed a physical phone or ..
- Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC emulator for UNIX v.2.1IMAVR is Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC chip emulator for UNIX. You can run your code before programming to chip. Embedded simple debugger and disassembler. Emulate wide range of AVR chip, wide range of their modules: EEPROM,USART, timers and so ..
- AAST: Assembly ANSI Serial Terminal v.0.02Serial terminal in assembly x86 language that works without operational systems, suport ANSI and can be used on a laptop or notebook to easily and quickly configure routers, switches and other devices that uses serial comm ..
- AlphaServer ES40 Emulator v.1.0A portable emulator for the HP (DEC, Compaq) AlphaServer ES40. The current version is capable of running OpenVMS with some limitations. The goal is to have a drop-in replacement for real ES40's. Emulates the Alpha AXP EV68CB processor and other ..
- EVAX - A VAX emulator v.1.0eVAX is a software emulation of a VAX computer, written entirely in portable C. The emulator includes a 'high function' console that supports assembly, disassembly, and debugging of VAX programs. eVAX has a limited ability to run VAX/VMS programs as ..
- Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator v.32The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (Fuse): an emulator of the 1980s home computer and various clones for Unix, Mac OS X and ..
- X-Win32 StarNet's X-Win32 and FastX product lines are X Windows
- Files for OS X Files is a modern file manager designed specifically for Mac
- PHP Shell Terminal PHPterm is a terminal/shell emulator for PHP which let's
- Opera Mobile Emulator for Mac and Linux Making sure that your site looks great and works exactly as
- SecureCRT for Mac OS X SecureCRT gives you rock-solid terminal emulation, file
- AquaTerm (Mac OS X graphics terminal) AquaTerm is a Mac OS X grahics renderer. It allows command
- MacTerm MacTerm is a complete terminal emulator for Mac OS X,
- Commander One Commander One is free dual-panel file manager for OS X based
- ZOC Terminal (SSH/ Telnet/Serial Client) ZOC is a well known SSH/SSH2/telnet client and terminal
- ZOC Terminal for Mac OS Telnet/SSH/SSH2/serial console client and terminal

Where can I get a terminal emulator that will connect to vt100, and vt220? I use multiview in windows, and i need somthing compatible with OSX.Applicaitons - Utilities - Terminal??If you do not like the provided Terminal, then how aboutiTermAnd if you perfer xterm, then fire up Applications - Utilities - X11The X11 environment can also use other X-Windows based terminal emulators such as rxvt, and different xterm implementations. You would be responsible for getting these emulators onto your Mac.In the future you may want to take Unix and Terminal specific questions over to the Mac OS X Technologies Unix Forum. I am looking just to emulate one.That is what Applications - Utilities - Terminal is. A terminal emultor.I also need to be able to define keyboard mapping as we use non standard key layouts.You can do some key mapping via Terminal - Preferences - Settings - Keyboad.How would i load a windows based terminal emulator while using OSX like you mention?No one said anything about loading a Windows based terminal emulator.
Everyone has been say you just launch Applications - Utilities - Terminal, and you have a terminal emulator.If you really want a Windows based terminal emulator, then you would need to either find a vendor that offers both a Windows and Mac version of their terminal emulator, or you would need to run Windows in a Virtual Machine, such as VMware Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox. But it seems to me that is over kill since Mac OS X does provide a terminal emulator.And if you do not like the Mac OS X provided Terminal application, you can download iTerm which is another free terminal emulator.It also has the ability to do some keyboard mapping.More extensive keyboard remapping can be done for the entire Mac via a utility called Ukelele.
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