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New Documentation Set ReleasedAdding documentation for the upcoming Dvina system, in English, Hungarian, Japanese, and Russian.v0.922d (2011.08.08.)Minor version update, containing several fixes.v0.922c (2011.08.06.)Minor version update, containing several fixes, and time compression feature.F1 - PauseF2 - Normal speedF3 - 2x time compressionF4 - 4x time compressionv0.922b (2011.07.13.)Minor version update, containing several fixes and a significant graphical acceleration.2011.07.05. ('Realistic tothe Switch')v0.922 (2011.06.24.)Include NASA digital terrain model (90m horizontal resolution), to simulate realistic earth clutterExpanded documentation.Add the possibility to select between more missile types for a system.These missiles will fly within 1% of real firing range data.V-755 20DSU and V-759 5Ya23 for the Volhov.V-601P 5V27U and V-601PD 5V27D for the Neva.Will support any Monitor resolution at or above 1280x1024.2011.05.11. AnnouncementThe next SAM system, to be added into the SAM Simulator 'Realistic to the Switch' will be the SA-75MK Dvina (SA-2F).Youwill be able to occupy the position of the Vietnamese SAM operator, anduse the same controls, to dodge Weasels and B-52's. V.923 (2011.12.25.)SAMSIM v923 introduced the SA-75M Dvina (SA-2F) system, and the biggest bombing after World War-II.2011.12.17. Available in 10 languages:SA-75M Dvina (SA-2F Guideline) documentation is available in English, Hungarian, Russian, Japanese, French, PersianS-75M3 Volhov (SA-2E Guideline) documentation is available in English, Hungarian, Russian, Slovak, Japanese, Chinese, French, PersianS-75M3 Volkhov (SA-2E Guideline) Manual Supplement by Vintorez is available in English, French, JapaneseS-125M Neva (SA-3B Goa) documentation is available in English, Hungarian, Russian, Slovak, Japanese, French, Persian, Serbian, Finnish.
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