Swift Shader 5.0

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SwiftShader is worlds best graphical tool who helps you to play heavy graphical games. You will play all new 3D games with 3D graphics.
SwiftShader Free Download is a world best graphical tool who helps you support to play heavy games. With the help of this tool, you can play all new 3D games. Without this tool, you cannot run these game smoothly on your computer. It supports multiple programming applications. It has the user-friendly interface. This software is the only tool who makes your PC fast when you play HD graphic games. Mostly high definition graphics games slow down your pc. But with the help of this tool its not possible. in simple words, It makes your gaming life easy. This software resolves your problem to PlayStation games. It has best graphics and high sound quality will bring in your imaginary life.
This software supports all kind of computer processors like Pentium, core 2 duo,i5 and i7 also. This software is best for professionals and integrators. This software makes your operating system perform faster. It’s very useful and perfect for playing the games. It runs completely in the user space and as a driver. You also download Tally ERP 9 Crack.
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SwiftShader 4.0 Latest Features
- Enhanced the window speed.
- Has a graphical user interface.
- You can play with 3D graphics.
- Reduces the usage of 3D graphics.
- It’s a perfect software for professionals.
- This software supports all type of computers.
How To Use?
- Download the application.
- Run the program.
- When it’s fully done.
- Let’s Enjoy.
- Hurrah….:)
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Wanna run Dx11 Shaders on DX10.1 compatible GPU, Follow this.I only tested it on Windows 8, and I guess it will only work on Windows 8.According to Microsoft Windows 8 has a DirectX Warper capable of Executing Dx 9 to Dx 11.1 Shaders itself.the file is D3d10warp.dllNow how to make use of that, simple.go to - c:windowssystem32 and open the 'dxcpl.exe'.It will have a n option o 'Edit List'. This Dxcpl.exe is a kind of setting for Dx10 and Dx11Now add the Executable game or application on the List.For eg: to test its working I added the Openglviewer.exe to the list. THENIf you look carefully in the Dxcpl.exe window, at the bottom you have an Option of 'Force Warp'. Check It.and keep the 'Feature Level Limit' to '111'.And then click OK.What did I see and feel:As because Microsoft has told that tis can emulate the Dx11 Features on a Dx10 GPU, so I used this on the appOpenGLVierwer.exe, now when I run the program without including it in the Dxcpl.exe list, it showed that my PC was a Dx 10.1 i.e Shader Model 4.1 supporter and when I had included that in the list, it showed Dx 11 as the Feature Level and Shader Model 5.0!!!Well to verify, I included many games in the Dxcpl.exe list and ran them.Believe it or not, The visual look did change for the games. The quality was sharp, clear and smooth. I did not do any performance tests, but while playing I felt no change or degrade in performance.Although 2 Games did not work when I included them, they are:NFS Most wanted 2,and Sleeping Dogs,rest all the games were working fine and the looks did change on the better side.well, this is Still under testing.
You all can try it as well. Click to expand.Thx I will try it.BTW did you installed also the DirectX SDK?I installed latest which I found - From june 2010.Can you also please make screenshot of the table? ThxEDIT: I don't know if it was this update or the windows SDK 8 which I installed but now I have the DXcpl in system 32 with this option. Butwhen I choose the Force WARP and DX v11 on OpenGL viewer, the program report my system like DX 10.1 and shader 4.1. (my notebook natively support DX11 and shader 5.0)When I uncheck Force Warp it report 'correctly'Of course DX11.1 it still report as 11.0.
Click to expand.hmm. To force a game run in dx 9 / dx 10 mode I found out something.create a shortcut of the game executable, then RIGHT CLICK the shortcut and open its PROPERTIES.Then edit the TARGET location and add this command line. ( -dx9 / -dxlevel9 )For EG I created a shortcut of NFS13, then rightclicked and opend the property window and the target location was:'F:Program Files (x86)EA GamesNeed for Speed Most WantedNFS13.exe'So edited it to'F:Program Files (x86)EA GamesNeed for Speed Most WantedNFS13.exe' -dx9OR try with,'F:Program Files (x86)EA GamesNeed for Speed Most WantedNFS13.exe' -dxlevel9. The -dx9 can be -dx10, -dx101 also according to the directX level you want the game to run in.Remember at the end of the target line give a SPACE and then add the -dx9.