Latex Template For Conference Program Pdf

This is an example of a very, very basic conference abstract booklet, with an author index. Each abstract can have an optional text that will be displayed in the margin —.
1) What are the documents required for Full-Text Paper Submission?
MS Word Users:
Full-Text Paper formatted according to MS Word Template in .docx format.
PDF Version of the paper.
Blind Version of the paper.
LaTeX Users:
Full-Text Paper formatted according toLaTeX Template. LaTex users must upload all files in a rar/zip file.
PDF Version of the paper.
Blind Version of the paper.
Full-Text Paper Submission
The full-text paper is a comprehensive summary of your research study. It should begin with an introduction that covers information on the background or literature reviews introduced in the study, including all citations which are referenced at the end of the paper. The paper should describe in more detail the methodology used, the outcomes or results achieved, as well as any findings, recommendations or conclusions drawn from the study. DO include any notes, figures, tables, appendices, and other additional information to clarify and display data.
2) What are the documents required for Abstract Paper Submission?
Abstract Paper formatted accordingly Abstract Template in .docx format
Important Notes:
A Blind paper is NOT requested for abstract submissions.
Abstract submissions can be either oral or e-Poster presentations.
Abstract Submission
The abstract is a self-contained summary of your full-text paper that gives readers a basic understanding of your research. Abstracts should include an explanation of the research objectives and goals, the methods used and the outcomes or results achieved, as well as any findings, recommendations or conclusions drawn from the study. The importance of your research should be clear. DO NOT include any references, figures, equations, or tables. At least fourkeywords or phrases should also be included.
3) How to prepare a blind paper?
The authors' names, e-mail address, institution or any other fields that can identify the author(s) must be removed from the paper and saved as a 'blinded version' before uploading to the system. The blind version of the paper will be used by reviewers in the double-blind peer review process.
What is the purpose of creating a blind paper?
By creating a blind paper each submission receives an equal and unbiased review, as the identity of both the reviewer(s) and the author(s) remains unknown.
4) Is there a paper submission checklist?
Yes. Please ensure that your submission meets WASET’s strict guidelines for accepting academic papers. Downloadable versions of the checklist for Full-Text Papers and Abstract Papers.
5) How can I be sure that you have received my paper successfully?
When you complete the 7-Step Paper Submission System, you will receive a confirmation email to the email you have used to register.
You can login to see your submission:
7-Step Paper Submission System
STEP 1: Choose Paper and Presentation Type
Select your paper type: abstract or full-text paper
Select your presentation type: oral or poster presentation
STEP 2: Paper Title
You will be requested to confirm your paper title corrected automatically by the system according to the capitalization rules.
STEP 3: Author(s) Name(s)
Write as given name, surname and use the addition button to add more authors.
STEP 4: Abstract
Paste text into the box. Maximum 500 words
STEP 5: Keywords
Add at least four keywords or phrases in alphabetical order
STEP 6: Upload the Paper
Make sure your paper is ready for submission.
For Full-Text Paper Submission Check Questions 1, 3, 4
For Abstract Paper Submission Check Question 2
STEP 7: Control
Check that all the information is correct. Click on the ‘Previous Step’ button to go back and make any changes. To complete your submission, click on the ‘These Are Correct, Submit Paper’ button and check your inbox for a confirmation email.
6) Should I submit my abstract before my full-text paper submission?
There are three categories for submissions:
Category 1 - Abstract Submission: You can choose to submit ONLY the abstract part of your paper to appear in the conference proceedings book and CD.
Category 2 - Full-Text Paper Submission: You can choose to submit the full-text version of your research paper to appear to appear in the conference proceedings book and CD.
Category 3 - Abstract to Full-Text Paper Submission: If your full-text paper is not ready or incomplete, you can submit your abstract first. The full-text paper should be submitted prior to the Final Paper (Camera Ready) Submission & Early Bird Registration Deadline, which is online available under the “Important Dates” section of the Conference Homepage.
7) I have already submitted my abstract. I want to send my full-text paper. How can send my full-text paper?
1) Visit the website at
2) Click the 'Upload Revised/Final Paper' button.
3) Click the 'Update Paper' button.
4) Choose your paper from the 'File' section.
5) Click the 'Upload Revised Paper' button.
Note: The size of the file should not exceed 25 MB.
8) What is the minimum/maximum page number for full-text papers?
Full-text papers should be at least four (4) full pages and not exceed more than 15 pages.
9) Is there any limit on the number of authors?
There isno limitationon the number of authors.
10) What is the acceptance rate for submitted papers?
The acceptance rate is 1/5 of submitted papers. Examples of high-quality papers can be viewed at
11) Can I submit more than one paper to the same conference?
Yes, you can submit additional papers to one conference. An additional paper publication fee is required for each additional paper, to be paid separately. You can find more information about “Additional Paper Publication Fees” on the Conference Homepage in the “Registration Fees” section.
12) My full-text paper is already published, but I want to change title/ author names/content of the paper. Can I do it?
Changes CANNOT be made to a published paper, as it may be already cited as a reference in another publication.
1) What is the difference between an oral presentation and e-Poster presentation?
Oral Presentation: Each speaker presents their work in a series of short lectures. Each speaker is given 15 minutes to make their presentation and is allowed 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

E-Poster Presentation: Electronic poster (e-Poster) presentations are similar to traditional oral presentations and are displayed by data projector. Short electronic presentation files must be prepared that show the aim, methodology and results of the research work. Each e-Poster presenter has 5 minutes to make their presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion. NO PRINT OUTs are required for the e-Posters.
The final program will contain dedicated slotsfor you to present your e-Posterduring the oral presentation session. As time is very tight; you should be concise in what you want to communicate. Use your time slot and concentrate on the “WOW” results you obtained with your work. Visuals might make the difference compared to other works and underlines your results.To complement your e-Poster presentation and to make it available to a broader audience, authors are requested to provide a five slide presentation file (accepted formats are: .pptx, PDF), including multimedia material. You can also prepare supplementary multimedia (MM) or video material that replaces your five slides. However, any video material should contain the same level of information indicated in the subsequent preparation guidelines and must not exceed five minutes of duration.
A samplee-Poster presentation file can be downloaded from the following link:
2) Should I print the poster out?
There is no need to prepare print out posters, as they are displayed by the data projector at the conference.
3) I want to change my presentation type from e-Poster to oral or from oral to e-Poster. How can I change it?
To update your paper presentation type, please follow the steps below:
1) Visit the webpage at
2) Click the 'Edit Paper Details' button.
3) Click the 'Update Paper Information' button.
4) Choose your presentation type from the 'Presentation' section.
5) Click the 'Update Paper Information' button.
4) What is the template for oral presentations?
There is no specific format for oral presentations. You can prepare your presentation slides in a format that suits your needs. We accept the following file formats: pdf, ppt, pptx, etc..
5) How long should a presentation last?
Oral paper presentations each have 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation of the paper, 5 minutes for discussion), and e-Poster (electronic poster) presentations each have 10 minutes (5 minutes for poster presentation, 5 minutes for discussion).
6) I have prepared my presentation file. What is the next step?
After you have prepared your presentation file, visit the conference website and upload your presentation by clicking the “Presentation Upload” button under the Conference Registration section on the Conference Homepage.
7) What is the deadline to upload the presentation file?
Presentation files must be uploaded no later than 2 days prior to the conference start date. You can upload your presentation by clicking the “Presentation Upload” button under the Conference Registration section on the Conference Homepage.
8) Will you provide me a projector and laptop during the presentation?
An LCD projector and laptop will be available in the conference room for use by presenters. Presenters will be able to only use the MS Windows-based PC provided by the conference management. If you are a Mac user please ensure your presentation runs in Windows. Presenters will not be able to use personal laptops to make presentations.
9) Can I bring my file in a USB Flash drive?
You are advised to upload your presentation file to the system rather than from a USB Flash drive. As many delegates insert their USB devices into the laptop computer provided for the presentation, it is difficult to avoid cyber/computer viruses that may transfer to your USB device and corrupt your files.
In case you want to bring your presentation file(s) with you on a USB memory stick, please be sure that the file(s) are copied correctly onto the memory stick. A presentation file stored on a USB flash drive must be uploaded to the conference computer before the start of your session.
10) Can I bring my presentation on an external CD?
No. The conference laptop does not have a CD drive.
11) Is it possible to change my presentation day/session on the final program?
We cannot change the presentation day/session on the final program. Depending on the availability, session chairs will assist in accommodating changes to the conference program to allow you to present your paper at your requested time slot/day during the conference.
1) Who is responsible for revising the paper?
The corresponding author is responsible for revising the paper. Multiple authors can NOT communicate for the same paper.
2) I have revised my paper according to the reviwer's comments. How can i upload it to the system?
To send us the revised paper;
1) Visit the web link at
Myscript notes 2.2 download pc. 2) Click the ' Upload Revised/Final Paper ' button.
3) click the 'Update Paper' button.
4) Choose your paper from 'File' section.
5) Click 'Upload Revised Paper' button.
Note: The size of the file should not exceed 25 MB.
3) I cannot find the “Upload Revised/FinalPaper” button. What should I do?
Certain conditions on your computer, such as security settings or browser cookies, can prevent you from viewing Often, the fastest solution is to try to open the page using a different browser. Try any of the following browsers that you have not already tried:
* Google Chrome
* Mozilla Firefox
4) I have received a review from the editorial board titled “Returning Initial Submitted Paper/ Unedited/ Nonformatted Paper”. What does this review mean?
Editors revise your paper and add comments as part of the review process. You must make all the corrections on the paper sent by the editorial board, otherwise the edits that were made will be deleted. If you have received this advisory review notice, it means that you have make the requested corrections in an earlier version of your paper and not the edited version.