Grey Anatomy Season 9

Mar 27, 2005 Grey's Anatomy season 9 episode guide on Watch all 24 Grey's Anatomy episodes from season 9,view pictures, get episode information and more.
So, how do we feel about the highly anticipated winter premiere?
One thing is certain, Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 9 was a huge improvement on Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 8, but it still needed some work. At least the hacker storyline is wrapped up though.
The domestic abuse storyline is the most important one of the hour, and for what was given, it..worked.
One of the things I loved about the episode happened before it even aired. The change of the episode title to the National hotline for domestic abuse, in an age of #MeToo and Time's Up, was such a powerful statement.
The suggestion, courtesy of DeLuca's Giacomo Gianniotti, possibly meant, and don't quote me on this, that this was the first time in 300+ episodes that an episode wasn't a song title. That's huge; that's powerful.
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I wanted the episode to be powerful, too. It was in some ways, but it mostly felt like just another episode and given the magnitude of the subject matter and the anticipation for it, it should have carried more weight. It did not. It's foolish of me to have had my hopes up for this one, but I expected more.
I recall Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 10 came back from winter break with a bottle episode that had nothing to do with the cliffhanger. Back then, that was such a ludicrous decision.
This season, if ever there was a time for a bottle episode, it was for this premiere. It would have worked better this time because it would've and should've focused solely on Jo and her specific storyline.
He told me I was wrong so many times that I believed that I was wrong. He told me I was crazy so many times that I believed that I was crazy.
Jo- Permalink: He told me I was wrong so many times that I believed that I was wrong. He told me I was crazy..
That's right, I, a notorious Jo critic, would have preferred an episode entirely devoted to Jo. How do you like those apples? It would have finally given Luddington something meatier to chew on, and that's not to say that she didn't give a stellar performance here because she totally did.
Yes, this will likely play out for however long Matthew Morrison's arc is on the show so that we can look forward to snippets of it each week, and that's cool. However; a stronger impact is hitting it hardest in the premiere.
Jo has been on for how many seasons now? She's been around long enough for her own storyline that doesn't get sandwiched between a ridiculous hack and agitating 'ship(s).
It was interesting watching this hour as someone who openly dislikes Jo. I also happen to be watching with someone who loathes her more than I do. I started off the episode telling myself that I would be a Jo fan on principle.
It led to some interesting dialogue between myself and my viewing partner because no matter what was going on, my friend was not interested. My friend, who has experienced domestic violence and advocates for victims, wasn't feeling the storyline at all and was frustrated with Jo.
Why can't she just do her job? Why is she so dramatic? How do we know if her story is the only story or if her truth is the real truth?
I knew most of the reactions were because it's fiction and because it involves a character who said friend abhors, but there's some realism in that, right?
For one, it had me wondering how this storyline could have played out if the victim/survivor was a widely adored character and not someone who has shown up on 'most annoying' lists more than once? Would it be received differently?
Paul: I'm really happy for you, Jo. I hope this brings you some real peace. You deserve it. We both do.
Jo: You don't deserve any real peace. You're a monster!
- Permalink: You don't deserve any real peace. You're a monster!
But think of the reality of that. Does someone have to be likable for you to emphasize with them? Wrong is wrong, and right is right. Do you have to care for the person to believe them? As I said, it led to some interesting conversations during commercial breaks and uninteresting scenes.
Paul is a classic abuser. It kind of sucks seeing Matthew Morrison play such a vile role because he was one of the last positive vestibules of Glee left. Paul is charming and handsome, and he did that thing where he wanted to make Jo feel like she was crazy and make others think that she was crazy, too.
He was loathsome from the moment he started talking. How has he managed to fly under the radar for so long? By the time he had that explosive outburst in the room with Jo, Meredith, and his fiancee, he had shown all of his cards.
He didn't even try to attempt to hide his abusive nature. His posture, body language, the way he delivered his lines, and everything he said, it all screamed abuser.
So, he just gave up on trying to convince Meredith that he was a decent person and Jo was crazy, eh? Can we talk about the unshakeable bond that has formed between Meredith and Jo right under our noses? Remember when they didn't get along at all? Now look at them!
Meredith being the supportive friend that Jo needed in this situation was so very moving. They have come such a long way in their relationship, and honestly, it was better watching their friendship blossoming than any Jo and Alex scenes during those moments.
Meredith's 'You are Jo Wilson. I know exactly who you are' quote packed the emotional gravitas that the entire episode needed. It gave me chills.
Now that he's had this hit and run, I'm curious as to how the rest of this will play out. A small fraction of me was hoping that there would be a spin on the classic domestic abuse storyline. I hoped that he came seeking amends, that there was more to the story between him and Jo, or that he was a changed man.
But he unquestionably hasn't changed, and now he's a patient at Grey Sloan. The question is, who hit him? Meredith, understandably, assumed Alex had something to do with it, and Paul's wife suggests that Jo had something to do with it, but it was probably all her.
The other big storyline of the night that was beyond enjoyable was Bailey and Casey trying to save the hospital from the ridiculous hack. Can they be a new bromance? A new mentorship? A new something? They were a charming duo.
Move over Glasses, Casey is my new favorite intern!
Confession time, hackers have a soft spot in my wee heart. I love a good hacker, so the second Casey casually admitted that he had a record and that he's a hacker, he skyrocketed up to Best Intern of the bunch. Finally, some exciting intern action.
Little did we know, Casey wasn't done being interesting. After 14 years, Grey's Anatomy has finally added a character who doesn't fall into the L or B categories of LGBT. It took long enough.
Casey's Transgender revelation was unexpected but completely awesome. He acknowledged that he's a proud Trans man, but that he doesn't feel compelled to lead with any of that because he'd rather people get to know him first.
You go, Casey! It certainly worked. He worked his way up to likable before he shared that tidbit, so once he shared it, it wasn't a determining factor in how the viewers or Bailey would feel about him. Keep on keeping on with killing the representation game, Grey's.
Other than a glorious opportunity to see Jackson wet and in a towel, and Maggie too; they're both so pretty, most of the Jaggie stuff was pointless. They had more of that sexual tension that we've grown to love or hate, and they addressed the elephant in the room.
But alas, we may be heading somewhere now. Jackson finally threw it all out there asking her to go out for drinks, and Maggie reminded him that it's too messy and complicated. Then, she went out with her perfectly decent-ish but not nearly as smoking hot Tinder date.
I'm just glad to see my girl Maggie going out on a date, and whether this is a cat and mouse game, or a total shut down, I'm feeling it. At least it's going in a direction now.
DeLuca and Sam on the other hand, please stop it. Just stop it now. Sam isn't cute or endearing with her word vomit, crappy besides manner, and friskiness. DeLuca needs to shut it down and grow up. Whatever their thing is, it's not interesting, entertaining, or by any means good.
Andrew: How is this my fault?
Sam: Because I haven't slept because you penetrate me every five seconds.
- Permalink: Because I haven't slept because you penetrate me every five seconds.
On the plus, Amelia essentially admitted that Andrew is her new Stephanie. On the negative, Sam's med school work was impressive enough to catch Amelia's attention so she'll be tagging along with her and DeLuca. Sighs.
On a scale of 1-10, how much did you want to hurt Paul? Did Grey's hit the mark covering such a heavy subject matter? Was it fulfilling? Any thoughts on Casey, the intern/hacker? Are you relieved that Jaggie may be on hold for now? Let's talk it out in the comments!
Don't forget, you can watch Grey's Anatomy online here at TV Fanatic.
Four Seasons in One DayReview
Editor Rating:4.0/ 5.0- 4.0 / 5.0
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Rating:4.1/ 5.0(95 Votes)
Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.
If you’ll recall, of ended with Amelia about to learn what Owen had just found out — that Teddy is pregnant with his baby; Maggie on the verge of revealing to Jackson that his mother has cancer; Levi and Nico making one another’s pulses spike while stuck in an ambulance; Alex and Jo having discovered that they aren’t yet legally hitched; and Meredith and DeLuca trapped in an elevator with their burgeoning feelings. Yeah, it was a lot! Where did things stand when the storm finally exhaled its last gasp? Read on‘IF THIS IS HOW I DIE, IT’S OK’ Picking up right where “Blowin’ in the Wind” left off, “Shelter From the Storm” began with Levi and Nico scarcely taking a break from their canoodling after an electric pole fell near their ambulance, Richard bellowing about getting the lights back on (which didn’t take long but didn’t set the elevators back in motion) and Amelia finding out from Owen about Teddy’s pregnancy.
Wait, “it’s yours?!?” she asked incredulously. Meredith freaked about getting out of the elevator with DeLuca to harvest that heart for Cece, sending him into action-hero mode to find the escape hatch; and Jackson admitted to Maggie that he’d “never felt less like a doctor” than he did now that he’d been informed of Catherine’s diagnosis. Meanwhile, Cece’s ticker began failing faster and faster. “My old heart is jealous of my new one,” she told Maggie. But she might never get that new one, because at that very moment, it was stuck in another elevator with Bailey and Taryn. When the intern expressed her fear that she was having a panic attack, Miranda insisted that she wasn’t — because she herself was on the verge of having one!
“I just think we’re gonna plummet, and Cece’s gonna die,” said Taryn, bringing to the fore Bailey’s fears about Ben’s death-defying job. As the temporarily-former chief started to lose it, the intern caught on and attempted to calm her down. Meanwhile, frantic to get Cece her organs — to save someone even if he couldn’t save his mom — Jackson threatened the hospital’s building manager and ultimately battered at the elevator door to get to Bailey, Taryn and the deceased patient full of donor organs.
Though the tag team of Jackson, Link and the building manager were ultimately successful, the building manager — a big Cece fan (but who isn’t?) — wound up getting his legs crushed as he tried to get back out of the elevator. “Are they gone?!?” the poor guy asked. When Link subsequently operated, the ortho god and Jackson clashed, with Avery getting his way so that the building manager wouldn’t have to get prosthetics. (Maybe Link is merely an ortho demigod?)‘YOU SEEM TO KNOW WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS!’ Before Owen, Teddy and Amelia could get into their situation, their patient took a nosedive, and the trio realized that they had to operate right then and there. “What else do we have to do?” Teddy cracked. They weren’t going anywhere.
And speaking of cracking, they’d have to do some of that to the unfortunate patient’s sternum in order to save him. While Owen prepped for that indelicate procedure using the license plate that had been sticking out of the patient, Teddy, it seemed to Amelia, gave her permission to stay with him — as if she needed permission! But Teddy was going to stay in Seattle so that the baby could have two parents, and she herself could have her friend. Once the trio were freed from the elevator, Teddy told Owen that yes, she wanted him to be involved in their child’s life. He wanted that, too.
Of course, he did. And for the first time, he actually looked happy that he was becoming the father he’d always wanted to be. But as an Amelia fan, I was not happy with how close he and his babymama came to kissing at that moment! Bad, bad, bad!
‘TELL ME AGAIN WHY THIS IS SUCH A BAD IDEA’ Before Mer and DeLuca’s elevator got moving, he reassured her that Cece would be fine without her — the matchmaker’s surgery didn’t require a surgeon as brilliant as Grey. He also tried to convince her that the elevator was like a Tardis, in which the ordinary rules didn’t apply.

She was amused but still didn’t take the bait. Later, he revealed — in Italian — that his father was a famous surgeon in Italy who once, during a manic phase, had operated on seven patients, losing four. But because of his money and connections, he’d been acquitted.
And he’d never told anyone that before. (There’s that ) As the duo resumed looking for an escape hatch, they wound up close enough to nearly kiss. Go back to talking to me in Italian, she said when he pressed her to do just that. So he did, saying, “When you finally let me kiss you, and you will let me kiss you, I won’t ever stop.” To his surprise, she spoke Italian and knew exactly what he’d said. But before they could actually surrender to the moment, the elevator doors opened, dammit!‘DOCTORS ARE SO COOL’ When Alex at last arrived at Grey Sloan, leaving Jo behind (she was drunk from their second honeymoon), he momentarily jumped into Levi and Nico’s ambulance to get out of the wind. Afterwards, the new couple were sure they were gonna get axed. Running into an antsy Betty, Richard put her to work helping other people.
Addictive personalities like them had to be kept busy. But when he got called into surgery, she was left to wander the halls and started looking for drugs.
Soon enough, Webber caught her, prompting her to beg him not to tell Amelia. No chance of that. As the clock kept ticking, with no sign of Cece’s organs arriving, the matchmaker sensed that something was wrong and pleaded with Maggie to distract her by talking about her romance with Jackson. In no time, Cece that gleaned that Maggie didn’t feel “safe” in the relationship, which meant that either Jackson was terrible for her or so wonderful for her that she was scared of losing him.
Had he ever made her feel safe? Yes, Maggie said — when her mom had died. Just then, Cece began coding. Thankfully, it wasn’t much longer before her transplants could be performed. “We got a heartbeat,” Mer declared. “Thank God — she told me she would haunt me” if she died.
Next, they were gonna give Cece a new kidney. Meanwhile, Bailey retreated to her old office and desperately texted Ben: “YOU OK?” Finding her there, Alex, miffed at how she’d bossed him around as if she was still the chief, told her that she could have her old job back. As she was admitting that she didn’t want it, that she had had to step down, that she’d been in crisis, Ben texted her back that he was fine. At that, Bailey broke down. “Please don’t quit,” she sobbed to Karev. “I need your help.”.
‘I NEARLY KISSED THE ITALIAN ONE I MAY KISS THE OTHER ONE, TOO’ As the hour drew to a close, Mer did what Cece loved best — talked to her about her romantic prospects. Even though Cece had passed away on the table. (Nooo!) Owen apologized to Amelia, who reminded him that she’d been the one who’d told him to go to Germany in the first place. “I wanted you to be happy with” Teddy, she said. In response, he tried to reassure her that it didn’t change anything between the two of them. No, Amelia insisted sweetly.
She’s an option. So I’m going to give you time to consider your options.” (Go, Amelia 2.0 — super mature.) When the building manager awakened after surgery, Jackson and Link reported that the prognosis for his legs was great.
Hilariously, Alex told Levi and Nico that “that” could not happen — not in an ambulance, anyway. They could, however, get it on anywhere else in the hospital.
Tipped off to Betty’s drug search, Amelia told the teen that she’d called a rehab center. Would Betty go? Jackson and Maggie pulled Richard aside to tell him about Catherine (which really seemed like something they could have let his wife break to him). And finally, Mer got stuck between her two suitors and realized that it was Cece’s way of haunting her. So she was going home to see her children.
See ya later! “You’ll see who later?” asked Link. Good question.So, did “Shelter From the Storm” blow you away? Grade it in the poll below, then hit the comments.