Biology 1408 Lab Manual Answers
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Preview text Logan 1 Destinee Logan Grand Canyon University 4 March 2018 Enzyme Lab Report Introduction All cells and organisms rely on enzymes to catalyze chemical reactions. An enzyme is something produced within a living thing that acts as a catalyst to increase the rate of chemical reactions lessening the level of energy needed to activate the reaction. Without enzymes, many of the chemical reactions that organisms require to sustain life would proceed too slowly to be useful. Enzymes increase the rate of these reactions bringing the reactants closer and facilitating their interaction. The catch that comes with the use of enzymes is the fact that they require consistency within their environment to be able to function properly. When enzymes are not in their ideal environment for their best functionality they can begin to breakdown and become Objectives The purpose of the lab is to find and reproduce the effects of different types of environmental conditions such as pH and temperature on the rate of enzyme activities and the resulting denaturation.
Another purpose of this lab is to be able to describe what is meant the specificity of enzymes. This lab should also help to explain the effects of varying enzyme and substrate concentrations on the speed and effectiveness of enzyme activities. Logan 2 Hypothesis Experiment One Catechol is the only substrate that will yield noticeable color change because the enzyme, catecholase, is specific about what substrate it binds to (Catechol being the only substrate).
Experiment Two The tubes with the higher substrate concentration, tubes will yield a darker color change because a higher substrate concentration suggests an increase in rate which means a darker color should be produced. Experiment Three The tubes with the higher enzyme concentration will yield a darker color because a higher enzyme concentration correlates to an increase in rate which equates to a darker color. Experiment Four The tubes with the neutral pH will yield little the most color change because pH needs to be around the neutral zone in order to avoid denaturation.
Experiment Five The tubes with the higher temperature will yield some color change after being put into room temperature water because the higher temperature will have begun the denaturation process. The tubes with the lower temperature will yield little color change after being put into room temperature because the cold will have slowed down the process to the point of denaturation of the enzyme. Logan 4 Experiment Two Labeled Amount of Deionized Water Amount of Substrate A 10 drops 0 drops B 9 drops 1 drops C 8 drops 2 drops D 7 drops 3 drops E 6 drops 4 drops F 5 drops 5 drops G 4 drops 6 drops H 3 drops 7 drops I 2 drops 8 drops J 1 drops 9 drops K 0 drops 10 drops 1. Make up 11 test tubes according to the above table. Substrate is 0.01 M catechol solution.
Place 3 mL of DI water into each test tube. Prepare another 11 test tubes each containing 10 drops of the potato extract. Place all 22 tubes into a 37 water bath for 5 minutes. Download film transformer 1 sub indo. Combine the potato extract solutions into each of the 10 substrate tubes (one potato extract tube for every substrate tube). Return them to the water bath (37 for 10 minutes. Remove the test tubes from the bath after the allotted time, and compare the intensity of color.
(On a scale of 8. Record the data. Experiment Three Logan 5 Amount of Amount of Labeled Deionized Water Potato Extract A 12 drops 0 drops B 9 drops 3 drops C 6 drops 6 drops D 3 drops 9 drops E 0 drops 12 drops 1. Make up five test tubes according to the above table. Add 4 mL of deionized water (in addition to the drops already added) into each of the five test tubes. Prepare another five tubes, each containing 10 drops of the 0.01 M catechol solution. Place all 10 tubes into 37 water bath for five minutes.
Quickly mix the substrate solution with each of the five potato extract tubes (one potato extract tube for every substrate tube). Return them to the water bath (37 for 10 minutes.
Remove the test tubes from the bath after the allotted time, and compare the intensity of color. (On a scale of 8. Record the data. Experiment Four Labeled Amount of HCI Amount of NaOH Amount of DI Water A 20 drops 0 drops 0 drops B 1 drop 0 drops 19 drops C 0 drops 0 drops 20 drops D 0 drops 1 drop 19 drops E 0 drops 20 drops 0 drops Logan 7 11.
After 15 minutes, examine each tube for color changes and compare the intensity of color. Record the data. Place all tubes into the water bath at 37 for 10 minutes to see if the color intensifies. Record the data.
Deborah Cardenas' Web PageBiology 1408 Online LabTentative Supply ListYou willbe required to gather materials for online labs. Check the syllabusfor information about at the units to be completed and the sequence.A.dry. lab is a lab that does not require you to gather materials.