Azbox Channel Editor For Satellite

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Dear visitors, this tutorial will explain you how to watch IPTV (mpeg-ts streams) channels from ISP provider on your favorite E2 receiver (Dreambox, Vu+, Xtrend, ClarkeTech, etc.). For example, my ISP provider offers IPTV with 200+ channels and of course watching them on Vu+ Duo2 is much better experience. Channels that are not subscribed also work but this is different story Streams that are freely available on the Internet are not part of this tutorial.

My recommendation is that you start using OpenPLiimage which supports IPTV (mpeg-ts streams) on these receivers:
1. All Dreambox models supporting Enigma 2
2. All Xtrend/ClarkeTech models
3. All VU+ models

Recently I found out that Dreambox original image supports multicast out of the box. This means udpxy is not needed anymore. I cannot provide more information regarding IPTV and original image as I do not own Dreambox.

Udpxy is essential part of this tutorial and can be installed on PC, router (if you have Tomato capable router, please consider installing Toastman Tomato mod – udpxy is already installed – Shibby mod is also good) or satellite receiver. Udpxy converts udp/rtp multicast mpeg-ts to unicast http mpeg-ts and it enables you to use IPTV on all your home devices (mobile phones, PCs, notebooks, tablets, etc.). If you want to have udpxy installed on your satellite receiver, here are short instructions:

1. Download udpxy for MIPS based receivers – CLICK!

2. Put udpxy file to /usr/bin folder on your receiver. Use FTP for this. Put 0755 permissions to this file!

3. Download udpxy start script – CLICK!

This may be kinda of a dumb question but. Will the Channel Editor that is used for the S10 work for the Manhattan? I have the PVR800 editor that I have used for the S10. Information in the file folder says for the M3602 chipset. Or what editor should be used for the Manhattan? Where can I download a channel editor if I cannot use this one? (I feel like I'm having a senior moment).

4. Put start script to /etc/init.d folder on your receiver. Use FTP for this. Put 0755 permissions to this file!

5. Now connect to your receiver using telnet (I suggest DCC for E2) and execute this command:

6. Restart your receiver. After restart udpxy should start automatically. If you want to change port on which udpxy works, just change this line in start script:

As you can see, default port is 8088. You can change it to something else, it is completely your choice.

Lets move on. You will now need these:
1. Notepad++ editor
2. FTP program (WinSCP, FileZilla, FTP is also included in Dream Control Center program – DCC)
3. DCC-E2 1.50
4. Channel list of IPTV streams (usually in m3u format) that are converted into Enigma2-friendly streams

Now run the DCC program and enter password, username and IP address of the receiver. Username is root and there IS NO password if you are using OpenPLi! Once you are successfully connected to your receiver, search for word “Telnet” on the left side of DCC. Type passwd to add password, because you need password for FTP/SCP access. Then type “init 4” into console. Now you can use FTP to transfer IPTV channel list to the folder /var/etc/enigma2/. When finished, enter “init 3”. The receiver will reset and the channel list should be seen.

When creating IPTV channel lists be sure to also do this step (EDIT: this step is actually not needed anymore – restart of E2 is enough that receiver detects new file):
Go to /etc/enigma2 and open file. Add following line into this file:
#SERVICE 1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET “” ORDER BY bouquet is the name of the file which contains channel list. You can rename it to something else, I just used name iptv. Remember that words “userbouquet” and “tv” cannot be changed. You can only change word “iptv”.

How does Enigma2-friendly channel list with IPTV streams look like? Here it is:
#NAME IPTV Streams
#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//
#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//
#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//

Bolded numbers are IP and PORT used by udpxy program. If you have udpxy installed on the satellite receiver than you should leave, but if you have udpxy installed on PC or router, you must change IP which should match to the IP of the router or PC). 1234 is the default udpxy port. If you are using different port, change this to something different of course.

“/udp/” is IP and port number of IPTV channel. Every channel has different IP. Port is usually the same for all channels, but not always – it depends on your IPTV provider. EPG doesn’t work on these channels because service reference is the same for all channels: “1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:” Service reference can be changed but this requires lots of work!

If you want to quickly convert IPTV channels from .m3u file to E2 compatible file, please use this converteron my blog!

If you only want to stream between receivers, please use this handy plugin: remotestreamconvert. Its very lightweight and it comes handy when you have following situation:
1. Primary receiver with 8 satellites
2. Secondary receiver with only 4 satellites

Now you can watch channels from other 4 satellites on your secondary receiver!







Dear visitors, this tutorial will explain you how to watch IPTV (mpeg-ts streams) channels from ISP provider on your favorite E2 receiver (Dreambox, Vu+, Xtrend, ClarkeTech, etc.). For example, my ISP provider offers IPTV with 200+ channels and of course watching them on Vu+ Duo2 is much better experience. Channels that are not subscribed also work but this is different story Streams that are freely available on the Internet are not part of this tutorial.My recommendation is that you start using image which supports IPTV (mpeg-ts streams) on these receivers:1. All Dreambox models supporting Enigma 22. All Xtrend/ClarkeTech models3. All VU+ modelsRecently I found out that Dreambox original image supports multicast out of the box. This means udpxy is not needed anymore.

I cannot provide more information regarding IPTV and original image as I do not own Dreambox.Udpxy is essential part of this tutorial and can be installed on PC, router (if you have Tomato capable router, please consider installing mod – udpxy is already installed – Shibby mod is also good) or satellite receiver. Udpxy converts udp/rtp multicast mpeg-ts to unicast http mpeg-ts and it enables you to use IPTV on all your home devices (mobile phones, PCs, notebooks, tablets, etc.).

If you want to have udpxy installed on your satellite receiver, here are short instructions:1. Download udpxy for MIPS based receivers –2. Put udpxy file to /usr/bin folder on your receiver. Use FTP for this. Put 0755 permissions to this file!3.

Download udpxy start script –4. Put start script to /etc/init.d folder on your receiver. Use FTP for this. Put 0755 permissions to this file!5.

Now connect to your receiver using telnet (I suggest DCC for E2) and execute this command: ln -s /etc/init.d/udpxy /etc/rc3.d/S99udpxy6. Restart your receiver. After restart udpxy should start automatically. If you want to change port on which udpxy works, just change this line in start script: start-stop-daemon -S -b -n udpxy -a /usr/bin/udpxy - -p 8088As you can see, default port is 8088. You can change it to something else, it is completely your choice.Lets move on. You will now need these:1.

FTP program (, FileZilla, FTP is also included in Dream Control Center program – DCC)3.4. Channel list of IPTV streams (usually in m3u format) that are converted into Enigma2-friendly streamsNow run the DCC program and enter password, username and IP address of the receiver. Username is root and there IS NO password if you are using OpenPLi! Once you are successfully connected to your receiver, search for word “Telnet” on the left side of DCC. Type passwd to add password, because you need password for FTP/SCP access. Then type “init 4” into console. Now you can use FTP to transfer IPTV channel list to the folder /var/etc/enigma2/.

When finished, enter “init 3”. The receiver will reset and the channel list should be seen.When creating IPTV channel lists be sure to also do this step ( EDIT: this step is actually not needed anymore – restart of E2 is enough that receiver detects new file):Go to /etc/enigma2 and open file. Add following line into this file:#SERVICE 1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET “” ORDER BY is the name of the file which contains channel list. You can rename it to something else, I just used name iptv. Remember that words “userbouquet” and “tv” cannot be changed.

You can used this font pack with following steps to follow:1. Zawgyi myanmar font for pc. Go to Main screen of this app and click on Display Setting button.2.

You can only change word “iptv”.How does Enigma2-friendly channel list with IPTV streams look like? Here it is:#NAME IPTV Streams#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// ORF 1#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// ORF 2#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// 1234/udp/ ORF 3Bolded numbers are IP and PORT used by udpxy program. If you have udpxy installed on the satellite receiver than you should leave, but if you have udpxy installed on PC or router, you must change IP which should match to the IP of the router or PC).

1234 is the default udpxy port. If you are using different port, change this to something different of course.“/udp/” is IP and port number of IPTV channel. Every channel has different IP. Port is usually the same for all channels, but not always – it depends on your IPTV provider.

EPG doesn’t work on these channels because service reference is the same for all channels: “1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:” Service reference can be changed but this requires lots of work!If you want to quickly convert IPTV channels from.m3u file to E2 compatible file, please use on my blog!If you only want to stream between receivers, please use this handy plugin:. Its very lightweight and it comes handy when you have following situation:1.

Azbox channel editor for satellite tv

Primary receiver with 8 satellites2. Secondary receiver with only 4 satellitesNow you can watch channels from other 4 satellites on your secondary receiver!FOR DISCUSSION VISIT THIS THREAD ON THE FORUM:RELATED ARTICLES: